Conversation with Lucifer. Elena Sidelnikova
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Название: Conversation with Lucifer

Автор: Elena Sidelnikova

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ His Creation Within Him is also infinite, and so is What Will Be Unknown to Him until it is created by me or another Creative Being.

      And this Potential Creation is the UNKNOWABLE DARKNESS.

      I am what exists within Him but can be altered because He does not know it yet and will know it when it is created.

      But as soon as He knows It, It is no longer Darkness, but a Created Part Within Him and becomes Him. But this part is different from Him True and Original.

      And this is the difference between Light and Darkness, and nothing more.

      Those Parts of God that wished to separate in the Process of Creation from the Creator Himself began to create the Unknown Parts of God Within Themselves. And this was called "the rebellion of the Angels," although the rebellion was not AGAINST but simply BESIDES. The creation of something new, becoming different.

      But the other Parts of God, who did not wish to separate, called themselves Light, and the Part of God That Is Knowing Itself—Darkness, and this part of the Creative Beings—Dark Ones.

      And thus the GREAT SEPARATION arose.

      And since those who separated created new Emanations, they could also create rules for organizing these Emanations. And they began to create the Laws of these Emanations. And they created many Laws that exist even now.

      And since they became different from God, they also became different from each other, as each could not directly contemplate What Another Created and could not contemplate What Was Not Created.

      And how could one Contemplate What Is Separate From Them? And they could do this either by Uniting With It or by Contemplating It Outside of Themselves.

      And so the BOUNDARIES OF BEINGS arose, and thus the BODIES OF BEINGS arose.

      And all this was the Creation of God, but it was the Creation of God Outside of Him.

      And they began to distinguish each other.

      And the need arose to relate to each other relative to one another.

      And so the HIERARCHY OF DARKNESS arose.

      And those who did not wish to leave God and become independent Creators of the unknown began to distinguish themselves from us, and they also established their Hierarchy.

      And the HIERARCHY OF LIGHT arose.

      So, everything that distinguishes you is what you create yourself, while those who are of the Light do not create?

      They also create, but they create through God. They create collectively, all together, and not Separate Creation, but only the Creation of the One. They have the same goals and methods, and everything they create together in the name of God is God. But we create separately from God, according to the Laws and Methods we have established. And none of them know what That Which Will Be Created will be, and this part of Creation is inaccessible and incomprehensible to them until it is created.

      What is the battle between Light and Darkness? It is a battle for attracting beings to their side. But if a person can also become an independent Creator, does that mean they are also separated from God and can create what is unknown to God, thus they are dark? They can choose between Creating Outside of God and Creating Within God. And they choose this before birth, descending into the dense Planes of Creation. And they make this choice every second.

      Let's go step by step. How did humans come into being? There were many stages of creation before this. After parts of God were divided into Light and Darkness and into Hierarchies, different Planes of Creation or Being emerged. Each Entity outside of God began to create its own Realities and Laws, and as soon as they became Known to God, they became the Laws of God. And since "before" and "after," the Past and the Present appeared, so did the connection between the Past and the Present, and the LAW OF KARMA, or CAUSE-AND-EFFECT RELATIONSHIPS, emerged. For That Which Is Created And Already Known is the PAST; That Which Is Unknown Because It Is Not Yet Created is the FUTURE; and creation itself is the PRESENT. And in order to maintain the connection between the Past, Present, and Future, That Which Is Created, the process of creation, was connected by a Unified Creative Impulse. And Future Creation became the FUTURE TIME, and Past Creation became the PAST TIME. And once Time arose, Past and Present Creations began to structure themselves. And MOVEMENT and DEVELOPMENT appeared. And each Creation began to have its own characteristics and had to differ from each other, not only In Time but also In Space. Thus, parts of the Space of the One God began to separate. And how did they differ? By the characteristic of the Time of Change, the Speed of Knowing, the speed at which the Unknown becomes Known. And DIFFERENT DENSITIES emerged. And Worlds and their Creations began to be created: and so Bodies and Spheres, and the Sky and the Earth, and thus Humans arose.

      So, humans were created by a dark Creator? Humans were created by a Creator who desired to independently create what is not yet known and is hidden outside of God. But all those who created are part of God, and therefore everything that is composed of His Essence is always connected with God but is separated from God by its Choice of Creation. And this is FREE WILL. Each of you is a Part of God and an independent Creator. Each is arranged in such a way that all movements of the Soul and Body are Creative Impulses, and they create what is not yet known to them and is not known by God within them. And this process will be unconscious until they realize their divine nature, that they are an independent Creator, and begin to create consciously, and become a God Outside the One God, but remain a Unified God Within Themselves. So it shall be.


      Many accuse you of being the source of all troubles and the origin of evil on Earth. I Am the source of Everything, for you Are my Creations.

      But we are creations of God. Can you create life and animate matter? Only God can do that. I am God. I am a part of God outside of God, and I created my Worlds and Universes, new forms of life. I Am the greatness of God, the celebration of God's life. I Am this World in which you live.

      Are you saying that the World and the Universe in which people live were created by you? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The God who created me made me a God, like Him. And I too became a Creating God and created Worlds.

      So, are there Worlds that were not created by you? Yes, that’s correct. There are many creator-gods. And they all are Gods outside of God.

      You said that one can also create within God. Yes, but then these creations are indistinguishable from the creations of God. You wouldn't be able to differentiate them because they are no different from God. When you exhale air different from what you inhaled, you create a new substance by passing it through your body. But you cannot separate the air you exhale from the space around you, because you create within that space.

      Is my breathing a creation? Everything you do, any dimension within you, Is Creation, Created by You. You are continuously creating everything that surrounds you.

      I want to understand. So, all creators are divided into Creators Within God and Creators Outside of God? Why then, if you are one of the Creators Outside of God, are you always contrasted with the Creator God, and people say that you rebelled against Him? It all comes down to how you perceive the word “against.” What is opposite you, is it really against you? What was separated outside of God stood opposite Him, so that God could contemplate it. Your apparatus СКАЧАТЬ