История британской социальной антропологии. Алексей Никишенков
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      Firth R. Rivers on Oceanic Kinship: Introduction to Reprint Edition of // Rivers W.H.R. Kinship and Social Organization. L., 1968; Slobodin R.R. W.H.R. Rivers. N.Y., 1978.


      Firth R. Seligman’s Contribution to Oceanic Anthropology // Oceania. 1975. V. 45.


      Walker M.H. Come Wind, Come Weather: A biography of Alfred Howitt. Melburne, 1971.


      Grafton Elliot Smith: The Man and his Work. Ed. by A.P. Elkin, W.A. MacIntosh. Sydney, 1974.


      Malinowski B. A. Diary in a Strict Sense of the Term. N.Y., 1967.


      Symons-Symonolewicz K. Bronislaw Malinowski: An Intellectual Profile // Polish Rewiew. 1958. V. 3 (4); Idem. Bronislaw Malinowski: Formative Influence and Theoretical Evolution // Polish Review. 1959. V. 4 (4); Idem. The Origin of Malinowski’s Theory of Magic // Polish Review. 1960. V. 5 (4).


      Uberoi J.P. Singh. Politics of the Kula Ring. An Analysis of the Findings of Bronislaw Malinowski. Manchester, 1962.


      Richards A.I. Bronislaw Malinowski (1884–1942) // The Founding Fathers of Social Science. Ed. by T. Raison. Harmondsworth, 1969.


      Laracy H.M. Malinowski at War, 1914–1918 // Mankind. 1976. V. 10. // 1


      Sredniawa B. The Anthropologist as Young Physicist: Bronislaw Malinowski’s // Apprenticeship // Isis. 1981. V. 72.


      Paluch A.R. The Polish Background of Malinowski’s Work // Man. 1981. V. 16.


      Firth R. Bronislaw Malinowski // Totems and Teachers: Perspectives on the History of Anthropology. Ed. by S. Silverman. N.Y., 1981.


      Strenski I. Malinowski: Second Positivism, Second Romanticism // Man. 1982. V. 17.


      Young M.W. The Intensive Study of a Restricted Area: Or, why did Malinowski Go to Trobriand Islands? // Oceania. 1984. V. 55; Idem. The Ethnographer as Hero: The Imponderabilia of Malinowski’s Everyday Life in Mailu // Canberra Anthropology. 1987. V. 10 (2).


      Wayne Malinowska H. Bronislaw Malinowski: The Influence of Various Women on his Life and Work // American Ethnologist. 1985. V. 12.


      Gross F. Young Malinowski and his Later years // American Ethnologist. 1986. V. 13.


      Man and Culture. An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski. Ed. by R. Firth. L., 1957.


      Antropologia społeczna Broisława Malinowskego. Pod. red. M. Flis i A.K. Palucha. Warczawa, 1985.


      Malinowski Between Two Worlds: The Polish Roots of an Anthropological Tradition. Ed. by R.F. Ellen et all. Cambridge, 1988.


      Chiao Chien. Radcliffe-Brown in China // Anthropology Today. Chicago, 1987. V. 3 (2); Perry R. Radcliffe-Brown and Kropotkin: The Heritage of Anarchism in British Social Anthropology // Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers. 1975; Shapera I. The appointment of Radcliffe-Brown to the Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Cape Town // African Studies. 1990. V. 49; Stocking G.W.Jr. Radcliffe-Brown and British Social Anthropology // HOA. V. 3; Idem. «Yours affectionately, Rex» – Radcliffe-Brown during and after World War II // HAN. 1985. V. 12 (2).


      Barnes J.A. Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard, 1902–1973 // Proceedings of the British Academy. V. 73; Douglas M. Evans-Pritchard. Brighton, 1980.


      Brown R. Passages in the Life of White Anthropologist: Max Gluckman in Northern Rhodesia // Journal of African History. 1979. V. 20; Firth R. Max Gluckman // Proceedings of the British Academy. 1975. V. 61.


      Firth R. Mayer Fortes: An Appreciation // Cambridge Anthropology. 1983. V. 8 (2); Goody J.R. Mayer Fortes, 1906–1983 // Proceedings of the British Academy. 1993. V. 80.


      Murdock G.P. British Social Anthropology // AA. 1951. V. 53.


      Watson G. The Social Construction of Boundaries Between Social and Cultural Anthropology in Britain and North America // Journal of Anthropological Research. 1984. V. 40.


      Wax M.L. Tenting with Malinowski // American Sociological Review. 1978. V. 47; Payne H.C. Malinowski’s Style // Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 1981. V. 125.


      Schneider D.M. Rivers and Kroeber in the Study of Kinship // Rivers W.H.R. Kinship and Social Organization. L., 1968.


      Service E.R. A Century of Controvercy: Ethnological Issues from 1860 to 1960. Orlando, 1985.


      Stocking G.W.Jr. The Problem of Translation between Paradigms: The 1933 Debate between Ralph Linton and Radcliffe-Brown // HAN. 1978. V. 5 (1); Idem. Margaret Mead and Radcliffe-Brown: Society, Social System, Cultural СКАЧАТЬ