The Chosen Ones. G Sanders D
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Название: The Chosen Ones

Автор: G Sanders D

Издательство: HarperCollins



isbn: 9780008313227



      I thought it might take a while to get through but there were only three rings before someone answered.

      ‘Hello, Tuscan Sun Tours. Clare speaking, how may I help you?’

      ‘I’m calling on behalf of my sister—’

      ‘I’m sorry, Sir, perhaps we could start with your name. You are Mr …?’

      ‘Hamilton, Colin Hamilton. I booked a place on your Tuscan tour, which leaves Gatwick tomorrow morning—’

      ‘Is that Tour TST247, Sir?’

      ‘Yes, that’s right. A fortnight in Tuscany, a week in Orvieto followed by a week in—’

      ‘I’m sorry, Sir, are you sure it’s TST247? I have the passenger list on screen but your name doesn’t appear. There’s a G Hamilton but that’s a woman.’

      ‘Yes, my sister, Georgina Hamilton. I’m calling on her behalf. I wish to cancel her booking.’

      ‘I’m sorry, Sir, before making a change to a booking we must speak with the principal traveller.’

      ‘If I’d got my secretary to call, you’d speak with her and cancel the booking.’

      ‘No, Sir, as I said, I would need to speak directly with the principal traveller, Ms Georgina Hamilton.’

      ‘And how would you know the woman you were talking to was or wasn’t Georgina Hamilton?’

      ‘We have security questions.’

      ‘And they are?’

      ‘Personal, Sir, and I cannot discuss a client’s personal details with anybody but the client. I must speak directly with Ms Hamilton.’

      ‘I’m privy to more of my sister’s personal information than you will ever be. She may be the one travelling, but I booked and paid for the holiday as a surprise.’

      ‘That may be so, Sir, but the holiday is booked under her name and she is the only traveller. I must speak with her if I am to make changes to the booking.’

      ‘Clare, if we continue talking in circles I shall have to speak with your superior and we don’t want that, do we? I didn’t want to mention more personal information than is necessary but you are forcing my hand. I’m sorry to say Georgie, my sister Ms Georgina Hamilton, has been taken ill and she will not be able to go on the tour. She has asked me to cancel the holiday on her behalf.’

      ‘We are very sorry to hear that Ms Hamilton is sick, Sir, but as I’m sure you’ll appreciate, our procedures are in place to protect our clients.’

      ‘I appreciate your position, Clare, but at present my sister is too poorly to come to the telephone. She has been prescribed complete bed rest and must not be disturbed. Please don’t force me to speak with your supervisor. I know what—’

      ‘I’m sorry, Sir, but we must follow our procedures.’

      ‘Clare, please let me finish.’

      I paused to ensure her silence and then continued to speak firmly but without emotion.

      ‘I anticipated this might be problematic so I visited my local travel agent and explained my position. They told me that to cancel the booking I would need to return with Georgina’s passport, all the holiday documents and the original payment details. I could do that, but I didn’t make the booking at the agency; I arranged the holiday directly by telephone with your company. So Clare, am I to read the contents of those documents to you or to your superior?’

      ‘Just a moment, Sir – may I put you on hold while I speak with my manager?’

      ‘Please do and stress that we should resolve this matter quickly because I need to return to my sister’s bedside.’

      There was a click and cheerful classical music filled the earpiece. I was confident I’d get my way. I could always take the documentation to the High Street travel agent but I wanted to keep my local exposure to a minimum. The music stopped and Clare returned to the line.

      ‘Thank you for holding, Mr Hamilton. In view of the exceptional circumstances we will accept the cancellation provided you can confirm the booking reference and Ms Georgina Hamilton’s address plus details from her passport.’

      I began to relay the information. ‘The booking reference is T, S, T, zero, zero, two, one, three, H, A, M, zero, one.’

      ‘And Ms Hamilton’s address?’

      ‘Thirty-two, Great Stour Court, Canterbury.’

      ‘And the postcode, Sir?’

      ‘It’s CT2 7US.’

      For Gina’s passport details I had to pay close attention to the photograph on my mobile. With that completed I thought Tuscan Sun Tours would be satisfied but no, Clare also wanted details of the original payment.

      ‘Rather old-fashioned,’ I said in a lighter voice, conveying a smile. ‘It was a surprise for my sister. I paid with a postal order. I have a note of the serial number here somewhere …’

      ‘Thank you, Sir, that won’t be necessary.’ Clare paused and resumed apologetically, ‘I’m afraid that for such a late cancellation we will not be able to offer you a refund.’

      ‘The money isn’t important. Georgie just wanted you to know that she will not be joining the tour.’

      ‘Thank you, Sir. I have made a note.’

      ‘Will that information be available to everybody in your organization? My sister is very unwell. I don’t want her bothered by telephone enquiries about her failure to show up at Gatwick.’

      ‘That will not happen, Sir. A note that Ms Hamilton has withdrawn from TST247 is now on our company-wide system. Please give your sister our very best wishes for a speedy recovery. If she returns the confirmation and travel pack we’ll send a voucher for 10 per cent off her next booking.’ There was a brief pause before Clare added, ‘Is there anything else I can help you with today, Sir?’

      ‘No, thank you. Goodbye.’

      ‘Goodbye, Sir, and thank you for calling Tuscan Sun Tours.’


      I am feeling good. It’s gone well. This won’t be like Dover. That was a practice run. This is for real and extensively planned. This woman is perfect – elegant, slim, sexy and with long fair hair of the kind that only models and posh girls manage to have. Back in Gravesend, when I was at Scotts, she’d have been one of the smart set, the graduates who looked down on the likes of me. One of those confident professional women I wanted but couldn’t have – the unobtainable.

      Things are different now. I’m in control. There’ll be no put-down this time.

      I’ve learnt a lot, come a long way, learnt how to handle СКАЧАТЬ