The Dragon in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope. Neil Somerville
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Название: The Dragon in 2013: Your Chinese Horoscope

Автор: Neil Somerville

Издательство: HarperCollins



isbn: 9780007478743


СКАЧАТЬ There has also been notable progress in the world of medicine in Snake years, including the discovery of DNA and, in the last Snake year, the first surgical implantation of an AbioCor artificial heart into a patient and Dr Kenneth Matsumura’s invention of the artificial liver. Further breakthroughs will occur this year and impact on the treatment of certain conditions. International agencies will also be active this year in providing relief and medicine to undeveloped and troubled regions. There will be considerable emphasis on humanitarian and environmental issues.

      The arts and culture thrive in Snake years, and in this one, major events and exhibitions will make various art forms more accessible. On stage and screen, audiences will be delighted by a variety of productions, some of them thought-provoking and profound. There is a reflective quality to the Snake year. The world of fashion is also likely to see notable styles emerge, with the emphasis on the sophisticated and discreet rather than the garish or flamboyant. For the fashion conscious, this can be an exciting year, with new trends (including hairstyles) attracting widespread comment.

      The British royal family will also be very much in the news this year, with events that will bring both joy and concern.

      More ominously, the extreme weather patterns seen in recent years are set to continue. The previous Snake year witnessed Tropical Storm Allison, which caused $5.5 billion in damage, making it the costliest tropical storm in American history. While it is hoped that the ravages of nature will not be as severe or damaging this year, the omens are, sadly, not good.

      This Snake year will, though, see some great human achievements, and whether on land or sea, in the air, in space or indeed in sporting arenas, many records will be broken and feats be inspiring. Interestingly, it was in a Snake year that Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Mount Everest.

      For the individual, the Snake year offers considerable potential. It favours learning and personal growth, and whether by reading or studying more, taking up a new skill or setting themselves a personal objective, many people will be persuaded to improve themselves in some way. This is a year for action, and many people will be satisfied by the actions they take.

      As is always the way, some signs will fare better in the Snake year than others, but for all there will be opportunities to do something personally constructive. As the Chinese proverb reminds us, ‘If you have foresight, you are blessed, but if you have insight, you are a thousand times blessed.’ This is an excellent year to gain new insights, reconnect with the real you and give yourself time to add to your knowledge and capabilities. Use your time well so you may do well.

      I wish you good fortune for the year ahead.



      I like giving things a go.

      Sometimes I succeed,

      sometimes I fail.

      Sometimes the unexpected happens.

      But it is the giving things a go

      and the stepping forward

      that make life so interesting.

      The Dragon is born under the sign of luck. He is a proud and lively character and has a tremendous amount of self-confidence. He is also highly intelligent and very quick to take advantage of any opportunity. He is ambitious and determined and will do well in practically anything he attempts. He is also something of a perfectionist and will always try to maintain the high standards he sets himself.

      The Dragon does not suffer fools gladly and will be quick to criticize anyone or anything that displeases him. He can be blunt and forthright in his views and is certainly not renowned for being either tactful or diplomatic. He does, however, often take people at their word and can occasionally be rather gullible. If he ever feels that his trust has been abused or his dignity wounded, he can sometimes become very bitter and it will take him a long time to forgive and forget.

      The Dragon is usually very outgoing and is particularly adept at attracting attention and publicity. He enjoys being in the limelight and is often at his best when he is confronted by a difficult problem or tense situation. In some respects he is a showman and he rarely lacks an audience. His views are highly valued and he invariably has something interesting – and sometimes controversial – to say.

      He also has considerable energy and is often prepared to work long and unsocial hours in order to achieve what he wants. He can, however, be rather impulsive and does not always consider the consequences of his actions. He also has a tendency to live for the moment and there is nothing that riles him more than to be kept waiting. The Dragon hates delay and can get extremely impatient and irritable over even the smallest of hold-ups.

      The Dragon has an enormous faith in his abilities, but he does run the risk of becoming over-confident and unless he is careful he can sometimes make grave errors of judgement. While this may prove disastrous at the time, he does have the tenacity and ability to bounce back and pick up the pieces again.

      The Dragon has such an assertive personality, so much willpower and such a desire to succeed that he will often reach the top of his chosen profession. He has considerable leadership qualities and will do well in positions where he can put his own ideas and policies into practice. He is usually successful in politics, show business, as the manager of his own department or business, and in any job that brings him into contact with the media.

      The Dragon relies a tremendous amount on his own judgement and can be scornful of other people’s advice. He likes to feel self-sufficient and there are many Dragons who cherish their independence to such a degree that they prefer to remain single throughout their lives. However, the Dragon will often have numerous admirers and many will be attracted by his flamboyant personality and striking looks. If he does marry, he will usually marry young, and will find himself particularly well suited to those born under the signs of the Snake, Rat, Monkey and Rooster. He will also find that the Rabbit, Pig, Horse and Goat make ideal companions and will readily join in with many of his escapades. Two Dragons will also get on well together, as they will understand each other, but the Dragon may not find things so easy with the Ox and Dog, as both will be critical of his impulsive and somewhat extrovert manner. He will also find it difficult to form an alliance with the Tiger, for the Tiger, like the Dragon, tends to speak his mind, is very strong-willed and likes to take the lead.

      The female Dragon knows what she wants in life and sets about everything she does in a determined and positive manner. No job is too small for her and she is often prepared to work extremely hard to secure her objectives. She is immensely practical and somewhat liberated. She hates being bound by routine and petty restrictions and likes to have sufficient freedom to go off and do what she wants to do. She will keep her house tidy, but is not one for spending hours on housework – there are far too many other things that she prefers to do. Like her male counterpart, she has a tendency to speak her mind.

      The Dragon usually has many interests and enjoys sport and other outdoor activities. He also likes to travel and often prefers to visit places that are off the beaten track rather than head for popular tourist destinations. He has a very adventurous СКАЧАТЬ