faith is of great importance already because it determines the future. But this is not our topic: although Kazakhs and Jews come into contact with each other spontaneously and indirectly. Spontaneity and mediation are already in the fact that Kazakhs did not directly contact Jews until the 21st century. However, due to the development of «democracy» and market relations after the collapse of the USSR, they joined the global liberal market trend. There is no need to remind you who the inventor of banking is. The fact that Kazakhs today trade everything (primarily natural resources) and do not roam «according to their grandfather’s habit» is a spontaneous and age-old mediation. As befits all conservative peoples, Kazakhs have never recognized money as the meaning of life. Kazakhs got acquainted with money, and now monetary relations, we can say recently, in the 19th century so-so, in the 20th century in the form of a Soviet salary, and only in the 21st century in the form of a bank loan and a means of enrichment.
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