The Warriors Of Shambhala. Sergii Sheludchenko
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СКАЧАТЬ raced towards the base. The scanner transmitted on the screen the image of an uninvited guest. A minute later a monstrous picture of the explosion indicated the place of contact with the surface of the planet spaceship.

      ‘Packet-boat class "A". Shoot the emergency capsule at an altitude of three thousand meters!’ The operator looked at the attendant, waiting for further instructions.

      ‘Determine the point of landing capsule! All this information is forwarded immediately to the Magistrate communicators.’

      The emergence of the imperial ship did not bode well. Only an order of cosmos plans and visitors from space occasionally visited the “Terra” sector. The Council Hall was buzzing like a disturbed hive. The Supreme Master entered accompanied by four guards, dressed in silver protective overalls. The Council members stood up, welcoming the head of the Order. The Master gestured, inviting participants to take their seats, and went to the point immediately:

      ‘As you know, a guest from the sphere visited us. Perhaps the navigation equipment was out of order so the crew was unable to land the ship. Bioskanery fixed the weak radiation emergency capsule. Suppose the onboard ball of packet boat managed to send a distress signal and location coordinates of the ship before entering the atmosphere. When he came to sector one, the probability that it will be heard, is negligible. But if somewhere nearby there is a support group, there can be problems. Radars of earthlings are primitive; they will still allow secure objects in orbit.’

      ‘And if someone except us will try to establish contact with the military starships, and even more so to attack them, we cannot control the situation.’

      ‘I ask for words!’The keeper of the Sacred Gate went into the center of the room. ‘I think we have to eliminate all traces of the disaster and isolate the crew.’

      ‘What do you mean by “isolating them’? That means the ability to restrict movement, or, as you expressed together to eliminate the traces of disaster. Let me remind you that the death of any living being is contrary to the Charter of the Order!’


      The man was dressed in purple clothes, standing at the entrance to the hall. The Supreme Master respectfully bowed at the sight of him. The Master of the Order was not usually present at the meetings of the Board. Their task was to transfer knowledge of the members of the brotherhood and strengthen the spiritual power of the Order. At the time, each of the novices took the hardest cycle selection in the Abode of the Sacred Law; the members of the Magistracy weren't the exception. The honoring of teachers, which had been built into the walls of the Temple of Knowledge, remained in the hearts of the brothers for life.

      As the Supreme Master noticed the appearance of the packet boat, it was most likely an accident. No doubt, the crew needed help. We were able to assist them so will not see any of the inhabitants of the planet. We can not violate the Charter of the Order by harming human beings. The technical capabilities of the base must be set only to assist the victims. The Master nodded his head slightly, while expressing agreement with the decision of the Master.

* * *

      A snowy wave came into the camp, sweeping away everything in its path. The terrible rumble preceding the avalanche occurred suddenly as a warning to all living things on the approaching danger. According to the plan, it was the day to reach the top. Igor thought about selecting a group for the night and took into account all possible aspects related with weather conditions and the safety of his climbers. Samoilov had frequently been to the Himalayas. Thank God this was not the most difficult ascent in his climber's career. Difficulties arose only because of the newcomers, who were in the group. Of course, two weeks of training did not allow for full preparation of his climbers. Igor managed to pull the five new climbers almost to the top of the mountain at a height of 4000 meters. One more day of torment and the descent will begin. When Samoilov had got acquainted with the team, he was surprised of what led these people to the mountains. Two Frenchmen who decided to spend a vacation in an exotic place, the rest just adventurers who probably lacked excitement. Basically, the guys were good. In the mountains, people reveal themselves immediately. Samoilov’s assistant was young, but quite experienced and was in tandem with his leader.

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      Oecumene (also spelled œcumene or oikoumene) is a term originally used in the Greco-Roman world to refer to the inhabited universe (or at least the known part of it).


      The stades is an ancient Greek unit of length. According to Herodotus, one stade is equal to 600 feet


      Hoplites were citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed with spears and shields.


      Bactrian is the ancient name of a historical region located south of the Amu Darya and west of Gandhara, one of the ancient civilizations of Irania



Oecumene (also spelled œcumene or oikoumene) is a term originally used in the Greco-Roman world to refer to the inhabited universe (or at least the known part of it).


The stades is an ancient Greek unit of length. According to Herodotus, one stade is equal to 600 feet


Hoplites were citizen-soldiers of Ancient Greek city-states who were primarily armed with spears and shields.


Bactrian is the ancient name of a historical region located south of the Amu Darya and west of Gandhara, one of the ancient civilizations of Iranian peoples, covering the modern-day flat region that straddles Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Ancient Bactrian was in present-day northern Afghanistan, between the Hindu Kush mountain range and the Amu Darya.


The toga, a distinctive garment of Ancient Rome, was a cloth of perhaps 20 ft (6 m) in length which was wrapped around the body and was generally worn over a tunic. The toga was made of wool, and the tunic under it often was made of linen.


Sikkim is a landlocked Indian state located in the Himalayan Mountains.


Sanskrit is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism, a philosophical language in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.


Gelongma is the Tibetan word for a fully ordained monastic observing the entire Vinaya. While the exact number СКАЧАТЬ