Позитивные изменения. Том 3, № 4 (2023). Positive changes. Volume 3, Issue 4(2023). Редакция журнала «Позитивные изменения»
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СКАЧАТЬ it with the help of impact investors.

      In your opinion, do such events as the GIIN Impact Forum solve the issue of croector networking – when not only investors communicate with each other, but there is an opportunity for direct immediate communication between investors and social entrepreneurs capable of applying social technologies?

      Definitely! Having been a part of an industry body catering to 1/5th of the global population, for almost 10 years, one has realized the immense importance, need and demand for such convenings, globally!

      Such platforms allow impact leaders and their organizations with a common goal of ‘profit with purpose’ to come together and address challenges that are unresolved, educate themselves, address issues around accessing authentic data, share respective national and world governments’ policies and finally solve problems together.

      Let me give an example of another recent summit that enabled the entire impact spectrum to communicate, organized by the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of Indonesia with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat of the United Nations ESCAP and the OECD, in Bali. While India is not a part of the ASEAN nations, IIC was invited to represent the country at the forum. I spoke on inclusive businesses enabling knowledge exchange with the ASEAN nations and building a stronger inclusive world. The summit also organized targeted rapid networking sessions specially curated for the social entrepreneurs.

      If you illustrate it as a spectrum, you will have the investors at one end, and social entrepreneurs on the other. To bridge the gap, such cross-sector networking is essential, enabling more opportunities.

      IIC has lined up many such platforms for 2024. (1) In April, we are bringing the India Room to Singapore, replicating our GIIN effort. Agenda will be to forge Singaporean LP-to-Indian GP relationship and showcase India impact investing narrative. (2) In May, we are inviting Nordic funds to India for a 2-city roadshow through which we hope to enable a stronger bond with the Nordic countries and in the process build stronger impact investing opportunities. (3) In September, IIC will be hosting India’s largest impact investing platform, our flagship conference called Prabhav’24, which is our 5th edition of the convening. Last year we were joined by close to 800 delegates from nearly 25 countries, 180 speakers and 40 hours of extremely relevant content. We are trying to make it bigger and better this year. (4) In October, IIC will yet again be representing the India Room at the GIIN forum in Amsterdam.

      One last question. I can’t help but ask you about the social impact assessment. It is one of the most important things for all of the social economy market and impact investing players. Do the participants of the global forums and platforms see new trends in this area?

      Certainly, the landscape of social impact assessment is rapidly evolving, and participants in global forums and platforms are actively observing and adapting to new trends. They are increasingly acknowledging the need for standardized frameworks and metrics to measure and communicate social impact effectively. There is a growing emphasis on transparency, accountability, and the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into decision-making processes.

      In 2017, recognizing the need for a deeper understanding, I personally collaborated with Duke University on an in-depth study on social impact assessment in India. This collaboration aimed to explore the intricacies of impact assessment within the Indian context and identify effective approaches despite the absence of a common platform.

      Navigating this landscape has been a complex task. With no one-size-fits-all solution, impact investors often operate with diverse goals and metrics, making it challenging to establish a common standard.

      Despite these challenges, IIC remains committed to fostering a culture of impact measurement and reporting within the industry. We believe that ongoing dialogues, collaborative efforts, and continued advocacy for standardized frameworks will pave the way for more effective social impact assessment practices in the future.

      We thank Esha Saini, Research Associate at the India Impact Investors Council, for assisting in organizing this interview.

      Экспертные мнения / Expert Opinions

      Какой у вас индекс счастья? Обзор ежегодной конференции Ассоциации специалистов по оценке программ и политик

      Юлия Вяткина

      DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2023–3–4–12–23

      Одним из важных событий осени для российских специалистов, чьи профессиональные интересы связаны с оценкой, является ежегодная конференция Ассоциации специалистов по оценке программ и политик. Центральная тема конференции в 2023 году – оценка качества жизни и благополучия. Каким опытом и практиками по вопросам внедрения и применения мониторинга и оценки в социальной сфере делились участники конференции – в нашем материале.

      Юлия Вяткина

      Редактор журнала «Позитивные изменения»


      IX конференция российской Ассоциации специалистов по оценке программ и политик (АСОПП) прошла 17–18 октября 2023 года в онлайн-формате. В этом году на конференции были представлены 42 доклада и проведены 14 тематических и дискуссионных сессий. В работе конференции приняли участие более 500 человек со всех концов России: от Южно-Сахалинска до Калининграда и Махачкалы, отмечают организаторы.

      В программе конференции было два главных трека: «Оценка с фокусом на благополучие» и «Оценка социокультурных проектов», а также тематические блоки, посвященные оценке в отдельных областях – например, социальном предпринимательстве, в сфере работы с детьми с особенностями развития, людьми с ограниченными возможностями, а также различными видами хронических заболеваний и т. п. Традиционно СКАЧАТЬ