A Snowman and a Hare or a Person Who Had No Education. Eva Demoore
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Название: A Snowman and a Hare or a Person Who Had No Education

Автор: Eva Demoore

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006212886


СКАЧАТЬ are your books?” asks the hare. “I see no books in your hut.”

      “Please, listen to me,” says the grandmother. “And don’t interrupt. I’d like to talk with you.”

      “How wonderful,” says the hare. “I’d like to talk with you too.”

      “Please, don’t interrupt,” says the granny. “I’d like to tell you about modern means of communication.”

      “About what?” asks the hare smiling.

      “About modern means of communication,” repeats the granny. And she looks at the hare.

      “I guess I know something about modern means of communication,” the hare says. And he looks at the shelf with food.

      “Are you hungry?” asks grandmother.

      “Yes, very hungry,” the hare answers happily. “I think I’d like to taste some modern means of communication.”

      “Oh, dear!” says the granny. “There is no means of communication on the shelf with food.”

      “Then where are they?” asks the hare.

      “They are here,” answers the granny. “But you are hungry. You must have lunch first.”

      “Please, don’t forget to give me some modern means of communication for lunch,” the hare says.

      “Oh, dear! I’m afraid you don’t follow me. You can’t eat means of communication.”

      “Don’t worry! I can eat any food,” the hare says.

      “But means of communication are not food.” The granny walks gracefully about the house. “There are lots of means of communication in the modern world.”

      “How wonderful,” says the hare. “I am glad to hear it.”

      “Please, don’t interrupt,” interrupts the granny. “Don’t forget I want to explain to you all about modern means of communication.” And she walks about the house again.

      “You know I have a present for you.”

      The granny wants to give the present.

      “Where is your present?” the hare jumps up and starts looking for it, but he can’t find it.

      “You seem to be acting really unnatural,” grandma remarks. “Like an ill-bread guy.”

      “I’m just curious,” the hare replies. “And then I’m only a kid.”

      “It’s a mere lack of education,” granny says quietly. “A big disadvantage, so to say.”

      “I don’t quite catch what you say,” the hare looks under the bed and behind the curtains. “You like to hide it in weird places.” But he doesn’t see the gift. “Where can it be?”

      “Now I remember,” he says after a while. “You prefer to keep awesome gifts for the family in the most mystifying locations.”

      “It isn’t awesome,” granny says. “So, it can’t be in the most mystifying locations.”

      The hare moves his ears. “Oh, I see. Your gift is not awesome.”

      “It’s casual,” admits the granny. “It’s in my bag.”

      “Well, where is your bag, then?” the hare asks.

      He walks timidly about the house. He looks for the bag. He looks for it in different places. He looks for it in various areas of the house. “I have no idea where your bag can be,” the hare sits down on the armchair astonished. “Where is it?” he wonders.

      “I always put it on the cushion near the sofa,” grandmother explains.

      “But it is not there,” the hare moves his ears again.

      “Oh, dear!” granny says in a moment. “You told me you are hungry.”

      “Yes, I am,” the hare nods. “But I am busy right now. I am looking for your bag, that is, my present.”

      “What shall we do?” smiles the granny.

      “I don’t know,” answers the hare. “Perhaps, I should eat a bit. I am really hungry”

      “A cup of tea?” the granny asks.

      “Yes, please.”

      “Here it is,” granny says and puts a cup of hot tea on the table near the hare. “Drink your tea.”

      “But I am hungry,” says the hare. “I would like some meals.”

      “Don’t worry. Drink your tea first,” says the granny. “I can give you some rice with carrots after tea.”

      “I want rice with carrots now,” the hare says.

      “Don’t forget it is not summer. It is winter. So, hot tea is more important now. In winter tea is much more important than rice with carrots,” explains the granny.

      “I agree with you,” says the hare.

      “I am glad to hear it,” says the granny. “In winter hot tea looks especially attractive.”

      “I think it’s always attractive,” says the hare. “I like to drink hot tea in summer too.”

      And he drinks his tea.

      “It makes no sense to me when you speak about hot tea in summer,” says the granny. “Cold tea is more advisable. But I think cold water is even better.”

      “Really?” asks the hare. “Tell me, why.”

      “Oh, dear! You want to know too much! And I can’t tell you everything now.”

      The hare looks at the granny.

      “I am too busy now,” the granny explains. “I am looking for my bag.” And the granny starts walking about the house.

      “Don’t forget about rice with carrots,” the hare reminds her.

      “Don’t worry, I won’t,” the granny says, walking about the kitchen.

      “Listen,” says the hare in a minute. “My cup is already without tea. But where is my rice with carrots?”

      “Here it is,” answers the granny and gives a big plate with rice to the hare.

      “Thanks a lot,” the hare says, “rice is my favorite food.”

      “You are welcome,” says the granny. “Don’t forget to eat the carrots too!”

      “I won’t,” promises the hare. “How can I forget? Carrots are my favorite food too,” he explains.

      The СКАЧАТЬ