Название: English Fairy Tales. A1
Автор: Народное творчество
Издательство: Издательство АСТ
Серия: English Classics: Graded Readers
isbn: 978-5-17-158616-4
All happens as before. In comes the ogre as before, says: “Fee-fi-fo-fum,” and has three cows for breakfast. Then he says: “Wife, bring me the hen that lays the golden eggs.” So she brings it, and the ogre says: “Lay,” and it lays an egg all of gold. And then the ogre falls asleep and the house shakes.
Then Jack creeps out of the oven very quietly and catches the golden hen, and is off before you say “Jack Robinson.” But this time the hen wakes the ogre, and just as Jack gets out of the house he hears him calling: “Wife, wife, what do you do with my golden hen?”
And the wife says: “Why, my dear?”
But that is all Jack hears, for he runs off to the beanstalk and climbs down very fast. And when he gets home he shows his mother the wonderful hen and says “Lay,” to it; and it lays a golden egg every time he says “Lay.”
Well, Jack is not satisfied, and soon he decides to have another try at his luck up there at the top of the beanstalk. So one fine morning, he gets up early, and goes on to the beanstalk, and he climbs and he climbs and he climbs and he climbs till he gets to the top. But this time he doesn’t go straight to the ogre’s house. He waits behind a bush till he sees the ogre’s wife come out of the house to get some water, and then he creeps into the house and gets into the copper. He isn’t there long when he hears thump! thump! thump! as before, and the ogre and his wife come in.
“Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman,” cries out the ogre; “I smell him, wife, I smell him.”
“Do you, my dearie?” says the ogre’s wife. “Then if it’s that little boy that has your gold and the hen that lays the golden eggs he’s sure to get into the oven.” And they both run to the oven. But Jack isn’t there, luckily, and the ogre’s wife says: “There you are again with your fee-fi-fo-fum. Why of course it’s the boy you catch last night that I cooked for your breakfast. How forgetful I am, and how silly you are!”
So the ogre sits down to the breakfast and eats it, but every now and then he says: “Well, I can swear – ” and he gets up and searches the corners of the room and the cupboards, and everything, only luckily he doesn’t think of the copper.
After breakfast is over, the ogre calls: “Wife, wife, bring me my golden harp.” So she brings it and puts it on the table before him. Then he says: “Sing!” and the golden harp sings very beautifully. And it goes on singing till the ogre is asleep.
Then Jack lifts up the copper-lid very quietly and gets down like a mouse and creeps on hands and knees. He gets to the table, gets up, takes the golden harp and goes with it towards the door. But the harp screams: “Master! Master!” and the ogre wakes up. He sees Jack running away with his harp.
Jack runs as fast as he can. He gets to the beanstalk and starts climbing down. Well, the ogre doesn’t like such a ladder, and he stands and waits, so Jack wins more time. But then the harp cries out: “Master! master!” and the ogre runs down on to the beanstalk which shakes with his weight. Down climbs Jack, and after him climbs the ogre. By this time Jack climbs down and climbs down and climbs down till he is very nearly home. So he calls out: “Mother! mother! bring me an axe, bring me an axe.” And his mother comes out with the axe in her hand, but when she comes to the beanstalk she stands still with fright for there she sees the ogre just coming down below the clouds.
But Jack jumps down and gets the axe and chops the beanstalk and cuts it half in two. The beanstalk shakes so the ogre stops to see what is the matter. Then Jack chops with the axe, and the beanstalk is cut in two and begins to fall over. Then the ogre falls down and breaks his head, and the beanstalk comes after.
Then Jack shows his mother his golden harp, and what with showing that and selling the golden eggs, Jack and his mother become very rich, and he marries a great princess, and they live happy.
widow – вдова
named – по имени
market – рынок
cheer up – взбодриться
funny-looking – забавно выглядящий, странно выглядящий
proper – подходящий
pocket – карман
swop – обмен
plant – посадить
dusk – закат
guess – отгадать
fool – глупец
precious – бесценный
upstairs – вверх по лестнице
attic – чердак
at last – в конце концов
rest – остальное
beanstalk – бобовый стебель
truth – правда
ladder – лестница
broad – широкий
straight – прямо
ogre – огр, великан
suddenly – вдруг
belt – ремень
nonsense – чушь, ерунда
creep – красться
on tiptoe – на носочках
makes up his mind – решает
try – пробовать
luck – удача
curious – любопытный
footstep – шаг
satisfied – удовлетворенный
forgetful – забывчивый
swear – поклясться
harp – арфа