Название: Legend of the Peeing briton
Автор: Павел Тюрин
Жанр: Иностранные языки
isbn: 978-5-00071-403-4
A weekly journal ‘
When Richard Blockhead was shown a photo of a gilded doll on the Arbat fountain, so that he could determine the extent of her fountaniety, he exclaimed: ‘What kind of fountain can she possibly be?!’ ‘Не верю!’ – ‘I do not believe!’ he uttered clearly in Russian without excessive ceremonies, according to the Stanislavski method. Stanislavski (1863–1938) is a famous Russian actor and theatre director, a founder of the ‘method acting’ – a pervasive method based on the verisimilitude of acting. He was known for criticizing the actors’ performance by saying: ‘I don’t believe you!’
To declare one’s official address is conveyed by the Russian word ‘прописываться’. This word can also be a derivative from the verb ‘to pee’ (писать). So the author alludes to his character abundantly peeing on the Arbat Street, which sounds like his declaration of address.
The best psychologists and somnologists struggle with the task of stopping such form of paedophilia. And the juvenile fakers deserve a special concern.
The Russian word ‘написание’ can be translated as ‘writing’ or as ‘peeing’. This pun is also reflected in the Russian word ‘чистописание’, which stands for accurate writing but may also sound as ‘accurate peeing.’
Obviously, some amateurs did that job.
Dick could not have known then that his name, Dick – an affectionate derivative of his name in English coincided with the derogatory meaning hidden in his calligraphic art.
The picture shows concealed Russian letters Х, У and Й, which is a popular pejorative word for penis in the Russian language discourse. According to the author’s interpretation this may also coincide with
The result bulletin of the Eurovision contest: ‘
The music herald: ‘
Bilingual Latvian-Russian journal for children ‘
The author uses Russian abbreviation OMOH, which stands for ‘Отряд мобильный особого назначения’, a system of special units of Police force within the Russian Federation, which translates as a Special Purpose Mobile Unit. But he deciphers the abbreviation as ‘отдел Министерства образования и науки’ or ‘Department of the Ministry of Education and Science’ in English. Some people still have fearful memories of OMOH. But this depends on the viewpoint. Consider it as one of the puzzles for the intellectuals. If you read it in Russian, Special Purpose Mobile Unit really comes to mind, but you can also read it the way it was intended, namely, the other way around! And then the humane attitude of the special purpose is revealed: HOMO. It is simple! You just have to define and choose your way of reading and your life position.
In the Latvian language the word café is ‘
Department of Health and Wellbeing Booklet ‘
The typical
But more frequently they join a regular
Computer Journal ‘
Customer rights’ herald:
This line comes from Alexander Pushkin’s 1830 poem ‘The Hero’ where the two characters debate the value of the truths and lies in relation to the human being.
It will only take the readers to have one look at the Riga Colosus erected on the Daugava River. His size, certainly, sheds all doubts, you can look at page 199 and see for yourself.
Čaka and Lačpleša streets in Riga are known as the districts of street prostitution, so the perky girls from these streets are none other than prostitutes.
Horticultural journal:
Special Issue of gourmet
The red cross on the white background does not only indicate merciful and humane efforts, but also the Crusaders, the liberators from the unfaithful sign.
All encyclopaedia entries agree that the name of the French dish
Russian version of the Journal:
The Russian word ‘прописка’ can be translated as ‘induction’ or as ‘to pee out’. So the pun is intended here by the author.
Let us remind you that Uranus gives a signal for the revolts and uprisings all over the place due to the Aquarius Era. That targets the feelings of independence and liberty; give birth to the innovators, upsets every traditional orthodoxy. Things like this may shock many people. Those who can’t wait to know all about Uranus’s influence on the human psyche I can only advise to read this book without delay all the way to the chapter called: ‘Secret of Blockhead’s Appeal’ in Part 2 of this book on page 190.
Tourist newspaper: