Розмовна англійська. Тести із відповідями. Книга 2. Ричард Грант
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СКАЧАТЬ What did spoil your plans?

      120. Выберите правильный ответ.

      На столі дві книжки.

      1. There are two books at the table.

      2. There are two books on the table.

      Частина 7

      121. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Вона крикнула йому.

      1. She shouted him.

      2. She shouted at him.

      3. She shouted to him.

      122. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Учитель сказав нам, що наступного дня ми напишемо роботу.

      1. The teacher told us that we will write a paper tomorrow.

      2. The teacher told us that we would write a paper tomorrow.

      3. The teacher told us that we would write a paper the next day.

      123. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Хотілося б мені, щоб мені не доводилося робити домашнє завдання щодня.

      1. I wish I don’t have to do my homework every day.

      2. I wish I didn’t have to do my homework every day.

      124. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Я почну заробляти 500 доларів на місяць до кінця цього року.

      1. I will start earning five hundred dollars a month by the end of this year.

      2. I'll have started earning five hundred dollars a month to the end of this year.

      3. I'll have started earning five hundred dollars a month by the end of this year.

      4. I'll have started to earn five hundred dollars a month by the end of this year.

      125. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Я завжди його шанував.

      1. I always respected him.

      2. I have always respected him.

      3. I always have respected him.

      126. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Де це робиться?

      1. Were is it made?

      2. Were does it make?

      127. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Тільки коли він справді у розпачі, він просить про допомогу.

      1. Only when he is really desperate, he asks for help.

      2. Only when he is really desperate, does he ask for help.

      2. Only when he is really desperate, he does ask for help.

      128. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Хто щойно до вас приєднався?

      1. Who has just joined you?

      2. Who just has joined you?

      3. Who just did join you?

      4. Who did just join you?

      129. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Мене це не стосується. (Дія має місце безпосередньо в момент розмови.)

      1. It doesn't concern me now.

      2. It isn't concerning me now.

      3. It isn't concerning me.

      130. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Я чекатиму на тебе.

      1. I will wait for you.

      2. I will wait you.

      131. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Нехай вона сама зробить цю роботу.

      1. Lets her do this work herself.

      2. Let's her do this work herself.

      3. Let her do this work herself.

      132. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Якби я тільки знав відповідь на це запитання!

      1. If only I knew the answer of this question!

      2. If only I knew the answer to this question!

      133. Выберите правильный ответ.

      Ким він був запрошений на цю конференцію?

      1. Who was he invited to this conference?

      2. Who was he invited to this conference by?

      3. Who was he invite to this conference by?

      134. Выберите правильный СКАЧАТЬ