Philosophy of Love. V. Speys
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Название: Philosophy of Love

Автор: V. Speys

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785005942005


СКАЧАТЬ milky mist.

      And the sky is pure turquoise,

      Tightened white shroud.

      Nature sleeps, drowned in the mist,

      And the grove slumbers young.

      And birds are a funny clan,

      Sits on branches with feathers cocked.

      In the spring of winter, the last breath

      What a strange gray hair

      Spring of Winter last breath.

      On grassed green grass

      Lay down white moss.

      Snowflakes fall thick

      Whirl in the morning dew.

      Days, remembering gold,

      Frosty blizzards in all its glory.

      O, how beautiful the world is in love

      O! How beautiful is the height of the earth?

      With fields, rivers, and forest.

      And then the blue seas,

      Above the blue expanse of reach.

      O! How beautiful the world is in love?

      He looks different colors.

      On the wings He soars Spring,

      He sees with your eyes!

      So much so that you suddenly forget everything.

      Space, time, everything is alive.

      And just beside You, my friend!

      And I, filled with you…

      You could argue with a myth

      Pain, remember, that gray morning,

      Drizzled gray rain.

      Kissing cool, though

      Wet trace remained in it.

      I waited for you, arguing with the weather,

      Warming under the canopy of birch trees.

      But, the weather is not expected by the sea,

      You have not warmed the hearts of dreams.

      And stayed in me not come true.

      In thoughts next to life gone.

      And though the wound is covered with dust,

      You could heal her.

      You could argue with a myth.

      And reality come into life,

      But that morning, rainy drizzle,

      Became a fortress on the way…

      Nature’s lush beauty

      Green forest, a huge house,

      The trees live here, bushes.

      And the sun light walks in it,

      As a guest, who came from a height.

      Dressed in gold rays,

      He wanders, hides in the sheets

      Plays, gallops between the branches,

      Fluttering yellow Ptah.

      In the clear air nectar

      The trees spilled slender arch.

      And the bird can be heard here bazaar,

      And with a streamlet, a ringing chorus.

      Nature’s lush beauty

      Decorated this house.

      Lures his purity

      Forest plunge into it.

      Transparent blue away

      Transparent blue away.

      And the day is lightening morning.

      Redder than the Morning Dawn

      Fire fever as if.

      Filled the sky with fire.

      The sun rose on the sky cool.

      And having painted the clouds with amber,

      Swept the brush like as if.

      Painted a summer day,

      Lake, swimming in a circle.

      And the air was too lazy to paint

      Add Summer to a blue friend.

      Thoughts soar in the clouds

      Thoughts soar in the clouds,

      Cannot collect them either as?

      Draft walks through the brain,

      And the body is here, and the heart is there…

      Three herringbones

      Three herringbones stood under the window.

      With green needles.

      Grown on grass, green carpet.

      Herringbones were friends with the wind and with us.

      He hid in the prickles of the crown,

      Attract to himself us branching struggle.

      We often listened to moans the winds,

      And often were running around herringbones.

      I love you!