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СКАЧАТЬ пластика очень серьезны. На производство одной чашки бутилированной воды затрачивается в две тысячи раз больше энергии, чем на такое же количество водопроводной воды.

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      Данные цитаты перефразированы.


      Richard Louis Schanck, “A Study of a Community and Its Groups and Institutions Conceived of as Behaviors of Individuals,” Psychological Monograph 43, no. 2 (1932).


      Там же, 73.


      Исторически ученые называли это множественным невежеством, но я считаю этот термин неподходящим и сбивающим с толку. Проблема человека, находящегося во власти коллективной иллюзии, не в том, что он не осведомлен о мнении группы, а скорее в том, что он уверен, что знает его, но ошибается. Это не невежество, это иллюзия. (Прим. автора)

      Там же, 74.


      Ханс Кристиан Андерсен «Новое платье короля».


      Populace and Gallup, “The Success Index,” Populace.org, 2019, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59153bc0e6f2e109b2a85cbc/t/5d939cc86670c5214abe4b50/1569955251457/Populace+Success+Index.pdf.


      Например, Douglas J. Ahler and Gaurav Sood, “The Parties in Our Heads: Misperceptions About Party Composition and Their Consequences,” Journal of Politics 80, no. 3 (2018): 964–981; Christine M. Baugh et al., “Pluralistic Ignorance as a Contributing Factor to Concussion Underreporting,” Health Education & Behavior (2021), https://doi.org/10.1177/1090198121995732; M. Ronald Buckley, Michael G. Harvey, and Danielle S. Beu, “The Role of Pluralistic Ignorance in the Perception of Unethical Behavior,” Journal of Business Ethics 23, no. 4 (2000): 353–364; Leonardo Bursztyn, Alessandra L. González, and David Yanagizawa-Drott, “Misperceived Social Norms: Female Labor Force Participation in Saudi Arabia” (Working Paper 24736, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018); Lucy De Souza and Toni Schmader, “The Misjudgment of Men: Does Pluralistic Ignorance Inhibit Allyship?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2021), https://doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000362; James J. Do et al., “Gender Bias and Pluralistic Ignorance in Perceptions of Fitness Assessments,” Military Psychology 25, no. 1 (2013): 23–35; William P. Eveland Jr., Douglas M. McLeod, and Nancy Signorielli, “Actual and Perceived US Public Opinion: The Spiral of Silence During the Persian Gulf War,” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 7, no. 2 (1995): 91–109; Daniel E. Flave-Novak and Jill M. Coleman, “Pluralistic Ignorance of Physical Attractiveness in the Gay Male Community,” Journal of Homosexuality 66, no. 14 (2019): 2002–2020; Nathaniel Geiger and Janet K. Swim, “Climate of Silence: Pluralistic Ignorance as a Barrier to Climate Change Discussion,” Journal of Environmental Psychology 47 (2016): 79–90; Julian Givi, Jeff Galak, and Christopher Y. Olivola, “The Thought That Counts Is the One We Ignore: How Givers Overestimate the Importance of Relative Gift Value,” Journal of Business Research 123 (2021): 502–515; J. Roger Jacobs, “Pluralistic Ignorance and Social Action on Climate Change,” EMBO Reports 20, no. 3 (2019): e47426; Kerry M. Karaffa and Julie M. Koch, “Stigma, Pluralistic Ignorance, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services Among Police Officers,” Criminal Justice and Behavior 43, no. 6 (2016): 759–777; Esther Michelsen Kjeldahl and Vincent F. Hendricks, “The Sense of Social Influence: Pluralistic Ignorance in Climate Change,” EMBO Reports 19, no. 11 (2018): e47185; Matthew S. Levendusky, “Our Common Bonds: Using What Americans Share to Help Bridge the Partisan Divide” (неопубликованная рукопись, University of Pennsylvania, 2020); Tagart Cain Sobotka, “Not Your Average Joe: Pluralistic Ignorance, Status, and Modern Sexism,” Men and Masculinities (2020), https://doi.org/10.1177/1097184X20901578.


      Ashley Mandeville, Jonathon Halbesleben, and Marilyn Whitman, “Misalignment and Misperception in Preferences to Utilize Family-Friendly Benefits: Implications for Benefit Utilization and Work-Family Conflict,” Personnel Psychology 69, no. 4 (2016): 895–929.


      Kengo Nawata, LiHua Huang, and Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, “Anti-Japanese Public Attitudes as Conformity to Social Norms in China: The Role of the Estimated Attitude of Others and Pluralistic Ignorance,” Japanese Journal of Applied Psychology 42 (2016): 16–24.


      Takeru Miyajima and Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, “I СКАЧАТЬ