Hekayəti – Müsyö Jordan. Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh
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Название: Hekayəti – Müsyö Jordan

Автор: Mirza Fatali Akhundzadeh

Издательство: JekaPrint



isbn: 978-9952-8450-2-2


СКАЧАТЬ he deeply knew the peculiarities of the comedy genre. He belongs to the generation of rare talented comedygraphs.

      In all social systems and periods M.F.Akhundzadeh was valued greatly. His grave is in Tiflis and the Georgians have installed a huge monument on his grave as a symbol of great respect to him. A lot of schools, the Republican library, the Western Slav University are named after the great writer M.F. Akhundzadeh in Baku. There is a beautiful park in the centre of Baku named after M.F.Akhundzadeh with his monument in the middle of it.

      I, Aghabeyli Seyran Sanan oghlu valued M.F.Akhundzadeh’s poems, plays, stories, greatly and read them with unbounded love. On the eve of his 200th jubilee I planned to make him a present, and came to a conclusion to translate his most lovely comedy “A story about the Botanist- Doctor Monsieur Jordan and the Famous Sorcerer Mastali shah” into Engilish, and I`m pleased that I could do it! I kindly introduce the comedy to the readers and performers.

Seyran Sanan oghlu Aghabeyli, October 2012, Baku. Azerbaijan.

      A Story about the Botanist-Doctor Monsieur Jordan and the Famous Sorcerer Dervish Mastali Shah

      The comedy consisting of four acts

      Dramatic Personal:

      Monsieur Jordan – 40 years old Botanist-Doctor from Paris – France

      Hatamkhan agha – a bey from Takla-Mughanli oba*. He is Karabakhian, 65 years old

      Shahrabanu khanum – Hatamkhan agha’s wife. She is 45

      Sharafnisa khanum – Hatamkhan agha’s elder daughter. She is 16

      Gulchohra – Hatamkhan agha’s younger daughter. She is 9

      Shahbaz  bey – Hatamkhan  agha’s nephew

      Khanperi – Sharafnisa khanum’s nurse. She is 40

      Dervish Mastali Shah – famous sorcerer from Iran. He is 50

      Gulamali – Mastali Shah’s  apprentice. He is 30

      Act 1

      The first act takes place in early spring, a day after Novruz bayrami 1263* in Takla-Mughanli, Karabakh district. Sharafnisa khanum brushes wool in the second room crying in a low voice. Her younger sister Gulchohra is playing nearby.

      Gulchohra: Aghabaci*, why are you crying?

      Sharafnisa khanum: (she takes by her hand and pushes it away) Get out and go to hell!

      Gulchohra: (she stretches her hand towards Sharafnisa) Aghabaci, for the sake of  God, say, why are you crying?

      Sharafnisa khanum: (pushing away her hand again) Get away to hell, I say! Let me do my work.

      Gulchohra: (with the same manner) You don’t do work, but you are only crying. Tell me please, why are you crying? If you don’t tell, I’ll go and call my mother. Tell me why are you crying? (she tugs by her headscarf)

      Sharafnisa khanum: (she pushes her angrily) Go to hell! You impudent! She won‘t leave me in peace! She won’t let me do my work!

      Gulchohra  falls down, then gets up crying goes to the room where her mother is.

      Sharafnisa khanum (alone): Oh, you impudent, she’ll go and complain of me to our mother. Oh my God, if she comes and asks me why I am crying, what shall I say? Oh, I’ll never say for what I’m crying. It’s better I’ll deny it. I’ll say I was not crying.

      She rubs her eyes with her headscarf quickly; at this moment the door opens, Shahrabanu khanum enters.

      Shahrabanu khanum: You, girl, why did you push and pull down Gulchohra?

      Sharafnisa khanum: May she perish, she doesn’t leave me in peace. Since the morning she did not let me brush two handful of wool. She always plays a trick on me. She either drags the wool from my hand or pulls my headscarf; at the end, I had enough of it and I pushed her away slightly and she came up to you crying.

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