Продвинутое исцеление чакр. Четыре способа энергетического оздоровления и трансформации. Синди Дейл
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      World Health Organization, “Traditional, Supplementary and Integrative Medicine”.


      Hair and Sharpe, “Fast Facts About the Human Microbiome”.


      Lumen, “Introduction to Microbiology: Defining Microbes”.


      Genetic Science Learning Center, “The Microbiome and Disease”.


      Lakhovsky, The Secret of Life.




      Gibbons, “Germs, Dr. Billings, and the Theory of Focal Infection”.


      Young, “Who Had Their Finger on the Magic of Life – Antoine Béchamp or Louis Pasteur?”


      Laleva, “Louis Pasteur vs Antoine Bechamp and the Germ Theory of Disease Causation–1”.


      Gibbons, “Germs, Dr. Billings, and the Theory of Focal Infection”.


      Watters, “DNA Is Not Destiny: The New Science of Epigenetics”.


      Dean, “Scientists Have Observed Epigenetic Memories Being Passed Down for 14 Generations”.


      Harvard Men’s Health Watch, “The Power of the Placebo Effect”.


      Jarrett, “The Placebo Eaaect, Digested – 10 Amazing Findings”.


      Daniels and Sallie, “Headache, Lumbar Puncture, and Expectation”.


      Benson, Timeless Healing, 267.


      Goldberg, “The 1 Question That Helps Me Combat Negative Thinking”.


      Weinberg, “Mind-Body Connection: Understanding the Psycho-Emotional Roots of Disease”.


      Salleh, “Life Event, Stress and Illness”.


      Pitstick, “Scientific Evidence that Bodily Death Is NOT the End of Life”.


      Cherry, Healing Prayer, 14–15.


      Schlitz, “Meditation, Prayer and Spiritual Healing”.


      Routledge, “What Prayer Is Good for – and the Evidence for It”.


      Schlitz, “Distant Healing of Surgical Wounds: An Exploratory Study”.


      Benor, Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution, 187–371.


      Biblica, New International Version of the Bible, this page and onward. URL: https://www.biblica.com/bible/niv/genesis/1/.


      Christian, Maps of Time, 17–18.


      “Elohim”, Encyclopaedia Britannica.


      Futato, “Ask a Scholar: What Does YHWH Elohim Mean?”


      Taylor, “The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”.


      Schneerson, “The Tree of Life”.


      Brother Day, “An Introduction to the Ancient Essenes and the Modern Church of Christ”.


      Szekely, “The Ten Commandments”.