Евреи и христиане в православных обществах Восточной Европы. Коллектив авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      См.: Weinryb В. L'antisémitisme en Russie soviétique // Les Juifs en Union Soviétique depuis 1917 / Ed. par L. Kochan. Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1971. P. 390–394.


      Langmuir G.I. Toward a Definition of Antisemitism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.


      См.: Klier J.D. Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855–1881. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. P. 417–449 (Chapter 18, «The occult element in Russian Judeophobia»).


      «The anti-Jewish stereotypes mentioned thus far, which I shall call xenophobic stereotypes, all had a kernel of truth all had a kernel of truth (It should be remembered that, so long as it was safe, Jews always acknowledged that Jesus should have been killed as a heretic). But now a new kind of stereotype appeared, which I shall call chimerical. These chimerical stereotypes had no kernel of truth; they depicted imaginary monsters, for they ascribed to Jews horrendous deeds imagined by Christians that Christians had never observed Jews committing» (Langmuir G.I. Toward a Definition of Anti-Semitism. P. 306 и passim). «The theory I have advanced does identify an unusual quality of hostility toward Jews: there has been socially significant chimerical hostility» (Ibid. P. 351, см. также P. 334–338, 341 и passim).


      «If we continue to use that literally most misleading term, we, as social scientists, should free „anti-Semitism» from its racist, ethnocentric, or religious implications and use it only for what can be distinguished empirically as an unusual kind of human hostility directed at Jews.

      In this case we should distinguish between xenophobic „realistic» hostility (universal) and irrational hostility when Jews are converted in a symbol „the Jews»«(Ibidem. P. 351–352). «If by „anti-Semitism» we mean not only its racist manifestation but all instances in which people, because they are labeled Jews, are feared as symbols of sub-humanity and hated for threatening characteristics they do not in fact possess, then anti-Semitism in all but name was widespread in northern Europe by 1350, when many believed that Jews were beings incapable of fully rational though who conspired to overthrow Christendom, who committed ritual crucifixions, ritual cannibalism, and host profanation, and who caused the Black Death by poisoning wells – even though no one had observed Jews committing any of those crimes. Unknown to the ancient world, anti-Semitism emerged in the Middle Ages, along with so many other features of later Western culture» (Ibidem. P. 301–302).


      Vouches A. La société chrétienne et les Juifs // Histoire du christianisme des origines à nos jours. Apogée de la papauté et expansion de la chrétienté (1054–1274) / Sous la dir. de A. Vauchez. Paris: Desclée, 1993. Vol. 5. P. 702.


      См.: Blumenkranz В. Augustin et les Juifs, Augustin et le judaïsme // Blumenkranz В. Juifs et Chrétiens. Patristique et Moyen Age. London: Variorum Reprints, 1977. P. 225–241.


      См.: Ibid. P. 238.


      Vauchez A. La société chrétienne et les Juifs… P. 709–710.


      Ibidem. P. 711–712.


      Cohen J. Phe Friars and the Jews: the Evolution of Medieval Anti-Judaism. Ithaca, 1982; Cohen J. Phe Jews as Killers of Christ in the Latin Pra-dition from Augustine to the Friars // Praditio. Vol. 39. (1983.) P. 1–27


      Moore R.I. The Formation of a Persecuting Society. Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1987; Moore R.I. Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Europe // Christianity and Judaism / Ed. by D. Wood. Oxford, 1992 (=Studies in Church history Vol. 29). P. 33–57.


      Gow A. The Red Jews: Antisemitism in an Apocalyptic Age: 1200–1600. Leiden: Brill, 1995 (=Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought. Vol. IV).


      Kriegel M. Les Juifs à la fin du Moyen Age dans l'Europe méditerranéenne. Paris: Hachette, 1979.


      Vauchez A. La société chrétienne et les Juif… P. 711.


      Cutler A.H., Cutler H.Ε. The Jew as Ally of the Muslim: Medieval Roots of Anti-Semitism. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1986.


      Chevalier Y. L'antisémitisme. Le Juif comme bouc émissaire. Paris, 1988.


      Langmuir G.I. History, religion and anti-Semitism. Berkeley, 1990; Idem. Toward a definition of antisemitism. Berkeley, 1990.


      См.: Parkes J. The Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue: A Study in the Origins of Anti-Semitism. Philadelphia, 1961; Williams A.L. Ad-versus Judaeos. Cambridge, 1935.


      См.: De Lange N.R. Jews and Christians in the Byzantine Empire: Problems and Prospects // Christianity and Judaism / Ed. by D. Wood. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1992. P. 17.


      См.: Starr J. The Jews in the Byzantine Empire, 641-1204. Athens, 1939; Sharf A. Byzantine Jewry: from Justinian to the Fourth Crusade. New-York, 1971; Baron S.W. A Social and Religious History of the Jews. Second edition. Vol. XVII. Byzantines, Mamelukes, and Maghribians. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980; Bowman S.B. The Jews of Byzantium, 1204–1453. Alabama, 1985; Kiilzer A. Disputationes graecae contra Iuda-eos. Untersuchungen zur byzantinishen antijüdischen Dialogliteratur und ihrem Judenbild. Stuttgart; Leipzig, 1999; Congourdeau M.-H. Le Judaïsme, coeur de l'identité Byzantine // Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14–15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris) / Textes réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: Honoré Champion Editeur, 2003. P. 18–27; Ivanov S.A. L'attitude à l'égard des Juifs à Byzance était-elle moins intolérante qu'en Occident? // Les Chrétiens et les Juifs dans les sociétés de rites grec et latin. Approche comparative. Actes du colloque organisé les 14–15 juin 1999 à la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Paris) / Textes réunis par M. Dmitriev, D. Tollet et E. Teiro. Paris: СКАЧАТЬ