Россия и Европейский Союз в 2011–2014 годах. В поисках партнёрских отношений V. Том 1. М. Л. Энтин
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Читать онлайн книгу Россия и Европейский Союз в 2011–2014 годах. В поисках партнёрских отношений V. Том 1 - М. Л. Энтин страница 113

СКАЧАТЬ Ross. Cypriot crisis fails to damp euro’s rise against dollar // Financial Times, March 23–24. – P. 13.


      Robert Wigglesworth. Eurozone periphery bond sales return to strength // Financial Times, March 25, 2013. – P. 15.


      Gideon Rachman. How Europe’s leaders ran out of credit in Cyprus // Financial Times, March 19, 2013. – P. 9; Misha Glenny. Russian cash in Cyprus is no mere financial problem // Financial Times, March 25, 2013. – P. 9.


      Alain Salles. Chypre sans… // Le Monde, 21 mars 2013. – P. 6.


      Kerin Hope, Andreas Hadjipapas, Peter Spiegel. Cyprus banks shut till next week // Financial Times, March 21, 2013. – P. 2.


      Andrew Ross Sorkin. Ibid. – P. 16.


      James Kanter, David Jolly, Raphael Minder, Bettina Wassener, Andreas Riris. European officials trade blame over Cyprus // International Herald Tribune, The Global Edition of the New York Times, March 19, 2013. – P. 16.


      Peter Evis. In Cyprus, Europe starts to reckon with its debt. By forcing losses, region takes a step towards healing its economy // International Herald Tribune, The Global Edition of the New York Times, March 20, 2013. – P. 14, 16.


      Patrick Jenkins, Kerin Hope. Fight is on to cut Cyprus big lenders down to size // Financial Times, March 20, 2013. – P. 3.


      Landon Thomas Jr. A “Cyprexit” might not be a calamity for euro zone // International Herald Tribune, The Global Edition of the New York Times, March 22, 2013. – P. 16, 18.


      Dans le monde. EU // Le Quotidien, 25 mars 2013. – P. 5; Peter Spiegel. Eurozone shifts burden of risk from taxpayers to investors // Financial Times. March 26, 2013. – P. 1.


      Robin Harding. Tough IMF stance adds to growing tension with European Commission // Financial Times, March 28, 2013. – P. 4.


      James Kanter. For Europe, crisis sends tough message // International Herald Tribune, The Global Edition of the New York Times, March 26, 2013. – P. 15.


      James Fontanella-Khan. Finance capitals heed Brussels warning; Kester Eddy. Slovenia; Richard Milne. Latvia; James Fontanella-Khan. Malta // Financial Times, March 28, 2013. – P. 4.


      Jean-Pierre Stroobants, Claire Gatinois, Frédéric Lemaitre. A son tour montré du doit, le Luxembourg rejette toute comparaison avec Chypre // Le Monde, 29 mars 2013. – P. 14; David Jolly. Luxembourg rejects comparison with crisis in Cyprus // International Herald Tribune, The Global Edition of the New York Times, March 28, 2013. – P. 14.


      Josef Joffe. Berlin is right to insist that no gain is without pain // Financial Times, March 22, 2013. – P. 9.


      Josef Joffe. Ibid. – P. 9.


      Alain Salles. A Chypre, “qui nous dit qu’il n’y aura pas de nouvelle mesure?” // Le Monde, 20 mars 2013. – P. 3.


      Le sentiment anti-allemand flambe en Europe du Sud // Le monde, 24–25 mars 2013. – P. 2–3.


      Gideon Rachman. How Europe’s leaders ran out of credit in Cyprus // Financial Times, March 19, 2013. – P. 9.


      Литературный перевод с французского статьи Les bonus des traders européen sa la toise. Editorial // Le Monde, 3–4 mars 2013. – P. 1.


      Philippe Ricard. Les Vingt-Sept s’apprêtent a plafonner les bonus des banquiers. Les primes ne pourront pas dépasser deux fois le salaire fixe. Londres reste hostile a ce projet // Le Monde, 1 mars 2013. – P. 15.


      Joshua Chaffin. Nicosia to impose curbs on capital // Financial Times, March 27, 2013. – P. 4; Joshua Chaffin. Cypriots fell the pain as damage spreads // Financial Times, March 27, 2013. – P. 4


      Thomas Wright. Europe in crisis I. E.U. leaders must act now to reverse a long spiral of disintegration // International Herald Tribune. The Global Edition of the New York Times, April 18, 2013. – P. 6.


      William Pfaff. Europe in crisis II. German abandonment of the euro is now a serious possibility. The single currency experiment is failing // International Herald Tribune. The Global Edition of the New York Times, April 18, 2013. – P. 6.


      Samuel Brittan. Forget trying to change Germany or any country // Financial Times, April 5, 2013. – P. 9.


      Andrew Higgins. Europe tries to close tax loopholes // International Herald Tribune. The Global Edition of the New York Times, April 11, 2013. – P. 16.


      Anne Michel, Clare Gatinois. La France a l’offensive contre les paradis fiscaux. Une piste: imposer un devoir d’information des qu’un Européen ouvre un compte dans un autre pays que le sien // Le Monde, 10 avril 2013. – P. 12.


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