Embedded Finance. Scarlett Sieber
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Название: Embedded Finance

Автор: Scarlett Sieber

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Банковское дело


isbn: 9781119891062


СКАЧАТЬ opportunities that lie within. On the other hand, Sophie has spent the last 10 years designing the go-to-market strategy and execution of BAAS providers and more recently, embedded finance propositions across the continent of Europe.

      As Jelena McWilliams, the chairman of the FDIC puts it, “Scarlett's and Sophie's combined backgrounds give them a unique perspective into the future of this space. Their strategic thinking, operational excellence and deep understanding of key players and technologies afford them background knowledge that few people have mastered.”

      With deep expertise in the space, they share a vision and excitement about where and how embedded finance will impact the lives of everyday consumers and the role that Big Tech companies and beyond will have as they become a monumental part of the fintech ecosystem.

      After many conversations and many sleepless nights contemplating the vast opportunities, they have agreed that now is the time to tell this story.

      Whether you're a banker, work at a fintech company, are a business owner, or just a curious consumer excited about the space, we have a lot to share about this new way of connecting consumers with financial services and most importantly, share how your day-to-day life will be impacted for the better.

      The book will provide you everything you need to know about the evolving world of embedded finance from inception to predictions for the future. We will cover:

       The Early Days: Proving the historical context and lessons learned from early players and how their efforts shaped the future.

       The Present: Identifying the global enablers today, including detailed case studies about their approach with key takeaways you can start enacting immediately as well as highlighting the role that traditional financial service providers continue to play.

       The Future: Predicting how the momentum of embedded finance will pick up, what the world of the future will look like, and what the impact on the consumer could be both for individuals as well as society as a whole.

      1 1. https://www.lendingtree.com/tree-news/holiday-shopping-behavior/ Accessed January 25, 2022.

      2 2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewharris/2019/11/22/fintech-the-fourth-platformpart-two/?sh=45ed1e6f5be6 Accessed January 29, 2022.

      How big of an opportunity is embedded finance? We will answer this question throughout the book, but before we talk about where we are now and where we are going in the future, we must start with the past.

      But the very earliest instance of “financial technology” may be even older than that. Cuneiform is a system of writing developed more than 5,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, what is now Iraq and Kuwait. It was here, and in a few other areas such as Egypt, India, and China, that agriculture developed to a point where dependable harvests could provide food for urban developments, which served as centers of commerce and other forms of specialized labor. On clay tablets unearthed in the Middle East, archeologists have discovered a system of accounting in cuneiform, including loans and credits to farmers for the purchase of seeds, land, and equipment. It may be said without exaggeration that financial services accompanied the very earliest flowering of civilization.

      Note that this is well before coins or cash or fiat money. This was an age of barter, of goods themselves being the means of transaction, rather than abstract symbols of value. The first coins seem to have appeared 3,000 years ago in China and a few hundred years later in Turkey. Both were advanced, literate societies with established social norms and laws protecting persons and property. But the act of borrowing and lending is more fundamental to human activity than the idea of “money,” as any child on the playground can tell you.

      Lending appears to have been a family matter in ancient Mesopotamia, with wealthy families lending from their own reserves. In ancient Greece and Rome, banking became more formal and less personal, with lending and money-changing often tied to the economic activities of powerful entities such as temples or government offices.

      The consumer banking most of us are familiar with arrived in Europe and North America in the nineteenth century, along with industrialization and the emergence of the middle class. And of course, the twentieth century saw the trappings of traditional financial life become standardized: the checkbook, the bills arriving like clockwork every month, СКАЧАТЬ