Managing Customer Experience and Relationships. Don Peppers
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Название: Managing Customer Experience and Relationships

Автор: Don Peppers

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Экономика


isbn: 9781119815341


СКАЧАТЬ the process of becoming an enterprise focused on building its value by building customer value doesn't begin with installing technology, but instead begins with:

       A strategy or an ongoing process that helps shift the enterprise from a focus on traditional selling or manufacturing to a customer focus while increasing revenues and profits in both the current period and the long term.

       The leadership and commitment necessary to cascade throughout the organization, and the thinking and decision-making capability that puts customer value and relationships first as the direct path to increasing shareholder value.

      Customer strategy means increasing the value of the customer base. CRM can be thought of as a set of business practices designed, simply, to put an enterprise into closer and closer touch with its customers, in order to learn more about each one and to deliver greater and greater value to each one, with the overall goal of making each one more valuable to the firm to increase the value of the enterprise.

      Customer centricity: An enterprise-wide business strategy that achieves customer-specific objectives by taking customer-specific actions.

      Defined more precisely, what makes customer centricity into a truly different model for doing business and competing in the marketplace is this: It is an enterprise-wide business strategy for achieving customer-specific objectives by taking customer-specific actions. It is enterprise-wide because it can't merely be assigned to marketing if it is to have any hope of success. Its objectives are customer-specific because the goal is to increase the value of each customer. Therefore, the firm will take customer-specific actions for each customer, often made possible by new technologies.

      In essence, building the value of the customer base requires a business to treat different customers differently. Today, there is a customer-focus revolution under way among businesses. It represents an inevitable—literally, irresistible—movement. All businesses will be embracing customer strategies sooner or later, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and success, for two primary reasons:

      1 All customers, in all walks of life, in all industries, all over the world, want to be individually and personally served.

      2 It is simply a more efficient way of doing business.

       An engaged couple receives customized mobile reminders to choose a venue, select wedding attire, hire a photographer, and other key milestones, all at the appropriate time.

       A group of three friends open the web page of the same kitchenware company that they all have ordered from in the past. Each friend views a different offer featured on the company home page on their device.

       A woman receives an email before her eight-month obstetrics appointment that gives information about what to expect at the appointment and her baby's stage of growth. A month later, the same woman receives a notification of her baby's immunization appointment that is triggered when she leaves the hospital with her newborn.

       An insurance company not only handles a claim for property damage but also connects the insured party with a contractor in their area who can bypass the purchasing department and do the repairs directly.

       Instead of sending out the same offer to everyone at the same time, a company waits for specific trigger behavior from a customer and increases response rates 25-fold.

       When logging in to buy tickets from a website, a father taking his tween daughter to a concert experiences a very different customer journey than does his twenty-something son who logs into the same site.

       Through the same phone app they used to check their flight status, an airline passenger in the airport waiting to board is offered an upgrade to business class as an apology for a 45-minute departure delay.

       An outdoor gear company sees that their tents are being discussed on a social channel and sends a free tent as a trial sample to a consistent product supporter.

       A supervisor orders more computer components by going to a web page that displays the firm's contract terms, their own spending to date, and the departmental authorizations.

       Sitting in the call center, a service rep sees a “smart dialogue” suggestion (see Chapter 8) pop onto a monitor during a call with a customer, suggesting a question the company wants to ask that customer. (The company is not asking all customers who call that week the same question.)

       A customer service representative sees a complaint a customer has made on a social channel and, at the same time, is able to view their purchasing history and order status. The service rep uses that information to reply to the complaint via the same social channel.

       An online cosmetics customer receives personalized offers when they open the company website, and promotional coupons are automatically applied to their shopping cart.

       A business sees that a customer has left their website, abandoning a cart with selected products before checkout, and makes sure that when the customer calls up their news online the next day, they get a reminder or a sweetener to go back and complete the order.