Towards Friendship-Shaped Communities: A Practical Theology of Friendship. Anne-Marie Ellithorpe
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      Map 1 Māui and Aotearoa New Zealand

      Map 2 Aotearoa New Zealand

      I.1 A Cornflower in the Wheatfield

      I.2 Social Glue

      2.1 “The Signing of the Treaty of Waitangi,” Ōriwa Haddon

      2.2 Parihaka, Te Whiti, and Te Whiti addressing a crowd

      II.1 Aspects of Community Life in a Joint Family Compound in Iron Age II IsraelIII.1 Three Sets of Relationships

      IV.1 Communities of Practice and the Issue of Land

      9.1 Lyall Te Ohu and his 10-month-old son Tūmoana


CECommon Era
bcebefore the Common Era
ed.editor or edition
et al.and others/another
n.note date
NIVNew International Version
NTNew Testament
NZNew Zealand
rev. ed.revised edition
Unless otherwise specified, scriptural quotes are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).

       Select Dictionaries, Lexicons, Journals, Books

ABDThe Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary
ASRAmerican Sociological Review
BDAGGreek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature
HALOTThe Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament
SEPThe Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
TDNTTheological Dictionary of the New Testament
TDOTTheological Dictionary of the Old Testament

       Greek, Latin, and Spanish Texts

NENicomachean Ethics
PolPolitica (Politics)
RhetRhetorica (Rhetoric)
AmicDe amicitia
VSVatican Sayings
ConfConfessionum libri XIII (Confessions)
DeiDe civitate Dei (City of God)
LSMThe Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (ca. 394) ACW 5
Aelred of Rievaulx
Spir amicDe spiritali amicitia (Spiritual Friendship)
Thomas Aquinas
SCGSumma Contra Gentiles
STSumma Theologiae
Teresa of Avila
LifeBook of Her Life
WayThe Way of Perfection

      At the beginning of a book that seeks to articulate a practical theology of friendship, I firstly acknowledge God, people, and land as sustaining me throughout this writing project. I express my gratitude first and foremost to the Creator, the ultimate source and sustainer of all life, love, and friendship.

      I am deeply grateful for the friends, communities, traditions, and resources that have provided various forms of inspiration, sustenance, and support in the crafting of this book. This project builds upon my doctoral journey and thus I express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisors, Dr. Neil Pembroke, Dr. Charles Ringma, and Dr. Irene Alexander for their mentoring, insight, and friendship. I also wish to express my gratitude for the support provided by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship and an Australian Postgraduate Award as I pursued this research through the University of Queensland’s School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry. This project goes beyond my doctoral work with a more explicit focus on Indigenous values, understandings, and experiences. I am particularly thankful to Rev. Dr. Rangi Nicholson for his encouragement and mentoring in this regard. He has been an invaluable Māori language adviser and cultural consultant.

      Others who have encouraged me with the importance and contemporary relevance of this work include Dr. Susan Phillips, Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls, Rabbi Dr. Laura Duhan-Kaplan, and Dr. Paul Wadell. Several anonymous reviewers of my book manuscript have also emphasized its timeliness; I am grateful for their positive and constructive feedback. I have discovered various conversation partners through the libraries СКАЧАТЬ