Burden of thoughts. Helmut Lauschke
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Название: Burden of thoughts

Автор: Helmut Lauschke

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9783754175712


СКАЧАТЬ over prudence, as it is resistant to any manipulation and at its core is sublime and invulnerable.

      The question triggers, it points to the future, and the water flows, the answer brings the contradiction and with it the doubt. Doubt comes from thought as the philosophical magnet that questions what was recognized as useful and therefore correct.

      Neither in questions nor in answers there is unambiguousness because everything, when it is thing-like, has its light and dark side. The spirit in the idea stands above the opposite of the sides, because with it there is no shadow side in the brightness of the light.

      Because everything people do is incomplete and fragile, the question of correctness and permanence takes its right. On the other hand, in the imperfection lies the dynamic of the correction, to do better what is flawed, to secure it against temporality.

      The object-like relation of the question to life is thus transient, which does not diminish the importance of the question at the right time. Everything is subject to the philosophy of thinking and rethinking, as long as the striving for truth is human in man.

      New comes because old goes, because every gap requires filling, in doing with the hands as in doing thinking and knowing. The time has come and awaits the correction in human action in order to approach the full truth in the being of thinking and doing.

      There is the question that remains to be asked, what temporality comes to the moment that illuminates in a flash of inspiration the resolution of the problem of the thinking cell, that shines what has been searched in vain over the years and researched with methods of high technical performance.

      Ultimately, the prudence in asking the question on the second level in the approach of the sentence in the intellectual linguistic profile remains reserved. Nothing is perfect what a person thinks, deduces and does in the differential, so nothing is perfect what is in front of the eye and forms the thought.

      The happiness of life depends on the nature of the thoughts.

       (Marc Aurel 121-180 AD) Roman emperor from 161-180, philosopher, was adopted by his uncle Antoninus Pius at the suggestion of Emperor Hadrian at the age of seventeen. Marc Aurel undertook reforms in the judiciary and administration. He founded schools, orphanages and hospitals for the needy.

       Quotes: The soul is the color of your thoughts. Our life is what our thinking makes it. The best way to get revenge: Do not reward like with like. The ability to live happily comes from a power inherent in the soul. Despair inevitably afflicts those whose souls are out of balance. If you knew the source of human opinions and interests, you would cease to seek people's applause and praise.

      It is the roots from which the thought grows, it is the soil that supports and nourishes the roots so that the seedling sprouts towards the light of freedom, because nothing wants to end in the crumb without bearing the fruit, for the purpose to fulfill, which is stuck in the seed and swells.

      It goes down to the filigree of what is supposed to germinate at the other end, forces that belong to the beginning of creation and elude the moment, because it is the spirit that takes off, rushes by, grasps, forms and further models, work that out the shaping creates the shape that gives the image.

      It stretches and bends, despite the weight of the ground, because what takes off is the spirit that pulls the germ out of the ground, because the ground only belongs to the beginning in the brevity of the handover. There it is the three-phase gift from spirit to the ground and back to spirit, when the dead comes to life in the creation well of the forces.

      It sprouts and grows, hangs on lung leaves and sets up flowers, yes it lifts and widens the narrowness to the level of young hope and expands the dewy and scented spring meadow to anticipation. The thought begins to run the new route and to whirl where there is freedom, where friends shake hands and love hugs.

      Under the railing, flowers entwine, which greet in the splendor of the shapes and colors in the adult and the grace, which gives the eye the magic. A word that would like to form leans spontaneously on the singing voice, because there is great joy in being there when life is reborn in the world sound of harmony, where time finds itself anew in eternity.

      Flower heads sway in the wind, they bend respect towards what they touch with attention and devotion in contemplation and silence, because wherever nature as mother asks the looking eye for devotion, modesty should immediately in the course of simultaneity because otherwise the timeless gift of greatness cannot be recommended.

      Whether in this contemplation the intellect in the permanence of its restlessness understands this is a question that is as old as humanity and has remained open, although there is no lack of insight and diligence. The path demands his respect, which is not to be trodden on, but in thorough reflection on what life is and should be in thought.

      In understanding it should become joy that is to be received quite naturally, no one should take unduly important if he wants to take it with the truth and keep it in all simplicity, because the understanding already demands that great is not the one considers himself to be great, but, conversely, is the ladder that goes up for those who feel small at the sight of that greatness.

      It is also the case that the thoughts sometimes stumble and stop flowing when something of importance is missing, because obstacles block mentally what went and should go smoothly over long distances carried by the river. There are forces that, as counter-forces, cancel the course of development with power and bring what has been built to collapse and thus harm humanity.

      The happiness of life, it is man's longing for the peoples' torments, because things of power have abused and desecrated defenseless people, so that exhaustion sinks and grooves over vastness into terrible depths. As far as humanity is concerned, it is important to gather and bundle the last of your strengths once more in order not to lose sight of the goal with all the wounds.

      Logical thinking is the pattern of complete fiction.

       (Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900) Quotes: Man can lie as much as he wants with his mouth - he always tells the truth with the face he makes. Envy and jealousy are the shame parts of the human soul. We feel so comfortable in nature because it has no judgment about us. A clenched fist belongs to the stupid forehead as an argument by right. But the state lies in all tongues of good and evil; and whatever he says, he lies - and whatever he has, he stole it. Oh, you too, you great souls, he whispers his dark lies! Everything that matters is created anyway.

       To the truth: The male hero wants to “recognize” Diana in the literal sense, to get a solid idea of ​​ her femininity. What happens to Aktaion is the “laughter of the Thracian woman”, a maid who wanted to pour out laughing when the scholar Thales of Miletus strutted in front of her, pensive, looking at the stars - and falling into a well.

      The contradicting assumption remains that humans are able to think logically, to put thoughts into a logical order and to put them into practice. The fiction of thought is based on words such as concerns, speculation, hunch, fear, insinuation, suspicion, conjecture and thesis, among others.

      What if the logic shatters and the thought result is unsightly, ugly and trodden down somewhere where it doesn't belong and no one can do anything with it? Thinking has many forms of correctness, to which the word ‘logical’ is added, contrary to thought, if it is wrong, because it is superficial.