Machine Learning Paradigm for Internet of Things Applications. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ that have no relevant network-related business models. This is fair because all of these municipal types need different resources (networks and grids, sensors, etc.). The unbundled trend is still in effect even though these facilities are leased for service provision. When the IoT is used as the main resource that results in the IoT market models involved, circumstances change [24, 25]. In the above-mentioned situations, though, cities have still not capitalized IoT, which helps start-ups and other vendors to build value.

      1.8.1 Smart Medical Care

      This approach aim, however, is focused on the individual experiences of professionals and/or neighborhood associations, to recognize the health concerns of the whole community. The value of such an approach is both cheap and constant, but it lacks the rigors of more rigorous quantitative methods and less likely to detect latent challenges within the group. In comparison, the practice of formal group consensus methods will address this role more thoroughly and rigorously in order to create consensus strategies so as to avoid narrowing the number of possible problems to consider, as is the tendency of various quantitative approaches.

      Using data, however, the data must be extrapolitanized from wide region information in order to recognize urban health issues. The validity of the method ultimately relies on the amount of burden the wide region has taken on the society [21]. By using secondary data, such as vital statistics and census data, more comprehensive research is difficult for the practice as general problems are established.

      Tendency, though to rely on some health conditions, may miss a significant issue merely because it was not part of the dataset. For example, an epidemiological analysis of diastolic blood pressure within the population may produce advanced data on distribution, correlates, and hypertension determinants. At the cost of a larger data collection, though, the information in the hypertension set is collected. The use of these data to classify the health issues of the population may also make it easier for the profession to ignore some (maybe more critical) problems of health.

      1.8.2 Smart Safety for The IT

      1.8.3 IoT Communication Interface With ML

      The preparation and preparing of information for such interactions is a critical activity. To respond to this issue, various types of data processing, such as edge analytics, stream analysis, and database IoT analysis, must be applied [22]. Computing frameworks play an vital role in connecting the server with neighboring computer structures and frameworks that depend on the location and the processing server where the data is processed. Architecture is basically classified into several categories for the networking and filter data for data centers.

      Edge Computing: This approach to computation allows data to initially be stored on edge computers. Edge devices cannot be linked continuously to the network, so a backup of the master data/reference data is required for offline processing.

      Cloud Computing: This approach and the design has high latency and high load balance, which means that this architecture is not ideal for the processing of IoT data since it can work for other processing at high speeds.

      There are several other type of cloud computing services like Iaas, Paas, and Saas. These are equipped with the data transmission via API or several other SDK kit for the user interface.

      1.8.4 Machine Learning Algorithms

      ML allows a computer to automatically learn and grow (without directly being programmed). Overall, ML algorithms can be classified as being (i) managed, (ii) unmonitored, and (iii) evolutionary computation. In reinforcement methods, a description is associated with each input value, while input values remain unlabeled in unsupervised learning. Learning algorithm implements a reinforcement-based mechanism in which the goal is to choose the set of environmental activities that optimize the overall benefit. There are some several types of machine learning algorithms, namely, SVM (Support Vector Machine). For both classification and regression queries [33], SVMs are valid, but they are widely used for the former. A binary SVM performs a binary division, generating a hyperplane such that it is possible to classify input values into two groups.

      For applications with a restricted number of stakeholders, SVMs are highly important. The system relies on numerous voice recording sensors to track the voices of patients such as handheld computers, voice recorders, and smartphones. To differentiate between the characteristics of good and unsafe consumers at a higher accuracy rate, SVM is then added to the data (on a cloud-based server). Storage processing method in the machine learning branched into cloud storage and processing and edge storage and processing.

      1.8.5 Smart Community

      The entire SCM program is supervised by an Apex governance system which consists of many national committees at state and city level. The SCM is a three-level governance structure. A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is used for executing the mission on a city scale. The SPV manages the funding, executes the programs, and administers and reviews them. The company is headed by a full-time CEO and has nominated on the board by the Federal Government, the State Government and ULB (Urban Development Ministry, 2015) [26]. The SC schemes are carried out by joint ventures, subsidiaries, PPP, etc. In addition, the cities have used a convergence process to support the SC initiative. These structures of convergence allow the cities to receive funds from other successful missions such as Digital India, Housing for everyone, production of national patrimony skills, and the Missions of Swachh Bharat, for the creation and development of a number of intelligent cities initiatives.

      Countries and clever communities are regarded as a catalyst to boost city citizens’ quality of life. However, due to insufficient evidence, in particular from developed countries, current awareness of the risks that could hamper the progress of smart city projects remains minimal. A rare incentive is the new SCM in India.

      Examine the risk type, possibility, and consequences on adoption of smart city projects, including risk definition data in the submitted smart city proposals for the Area Projects (ABD) (small scale) and Pancake Projects (large scale) [24]. We have used (quantitative and qualitative) theme modeling for risk classification, followed by risk effect analysis for priority assessment and a keyword co-occurrence network.

      IoT applications can lead to maximizing, innovating, and transforming customer and business process items.

       Optimization: IoT aims to minimize costs while maximizing effective utilization of assets during business processes.

       Innovation: СКАЧАТЬ