CISSP For Dummies. Peter H. Gregory
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Название: CISSP For Dummies

Автор: Peter H. Gregory

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Зарубежная компьютерная литература


isbn: 9781119806905


СКАЧАТЬ Security Impact of Acquired Software Define and Apply Secure Coding Guidelines and Standards

      7  Part 3: The Part of Tens Chapter 11: Ten Ways to Prepare for the Exam Know Your Learning Style Get a Networking Certification First Register Now Make a 60-Day Study Plan Get Organized and Read Join a Study Group Take Practice Exams Take a CISSP Training Seminar Adopt an Exam-Taking Strategy Take a Breather Chapter 12: Ten Test-Day Tips Get a Good Night’s Rest Dress Comfortably Eat a Good Meal Arrive Early Bring Approved Identification Bring Snacks and Drinks Bring Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications Leave Your Mobile Devices Behind Take Frequent Breaks Guess — As a Last Resort

      8  Glossary

      9  Index

      10  About the Authors

      11  Connect with Dummies

      12  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 3TABLE 3-1 Data Processing Continuity Planning Site Comparison

      2 Chapter 4TABLE 4-1 Typical Data Handling GuidelinesTABLE 4-2 Example Facilities Classification Policy

      3 Chapter 5TABLE 5-1 An Access Matrix ExampleTABLE 5-2 TCSEC ClassesTABLE 5-3 ITSEC Functionality (F) Classes and Evaluation (E) Levels Mapped to TC...TABLE 5-4 The Common CriteriaTABLE 5-5 General Fencing Height RequirementsTABLE 5-6 Fire Classes and Suppression/Extinguishing MethodsTABLE 5-7 Electrical Anomalies

      4 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless-Oriented ProtocolsTABLE 6-2 Bit Position Values in an IPv4 AddressTABLE 6-3 Binary Notation of Octet ValuesTABLE 6-4 IP Address ClassesTABLE 6-5 Decimal, Hexadecimal, and Binary NotationTABLE 6-6 Wireless LAN StandardsTABLE 6-7 Circuit Switching versus Packet SwitchingTABLE 6-8 Common Telecommunications CircuitsTABLE 6-9 Common Twisted-Pair Cable CategoriesTABLE 6-10 Cable Types and Characteristics

      5 Chapter 7TABLE 7-1 Generally Accepted Standards for Biometric SystemsTABLE 7-2 General Characteristics of Finger Scan and Hand Geometry SystemsTABLE 7-3 General Characteristics of Retina and Iris Pattern SystemsTABLE 7-4 General Characteristics of Voice Recognition and Signature Dynamics Sy...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Make your own personal business cards.

      2 Chapter 3FIGURE 3-1: The CIA triad. FIGURE 3-2: Attack tree for a mobile banking application.

      3 Chapter 4FIGURE 4-1: Example document marking.

      4 Chapter 5FIGURE 5-1: Attack tree for a mobile banking application. FIGURE 5-2: AWS shared responsibility matrix. FIGURE 5-3: Azure shared responsibility matrix. FIGURE 5-4: Protection rings provide layers of defense in a system. FIGURE 5-5: Encryption and decryption. FIGURE 5-6: Link encryption. FIGURE 5-7: Sending a message using asymmetric key cryptography. FIGURE 5-8: Verifying message authenticity using asymmetric key cryptography. FIGURE 5-9: Encrypting and signing a message using asymmetric key cryptography....FIGURE 5-10: Diffie-Hellman key exchange is used to generate a symmetric key fo...FIGURE 5-11: A fire needs these three elements to burn.

      5 Chapter 6FIGURE 6-1: The seven layers of the OSI model. FIGURE 6-2: Data encapsulation in the OSI model. FIGURE 6-3: The TCP three-way handshake. FIGURE 6-4: The LLC and MAC sublayers. FIGURE 6-5: Comparing the OSI model and the TCP/IP Model.

      6 Chapter 7FIGURE 7-1: Use CER to compare FAR and FRR. FIGURE 7-2: Typical identity and access management system architecture. FIGURE 7-3: Role-based access control. FIGURE 7-4: Kerberos: Login initiation (step 1). FIGURE 7-5: Kerberos: Client/TGS session key and TGT generation (step 2). FIGURE 7-6: Kerberos: Login completion (step 3). FIGURE 7-7: Kerberos: Requesting services (step 4). FIGURE 7-8: Kerberos: Client/Server session key and service ticket generation (...FIGURE 7-9: Kerberos: Decrypt Client/Server session key (step 6). FIGURE 7-10: Kerberos: Client/server communications (step 7).

      7 Chapter 10FIGURE 10-1: The DevOps life cycle process. FIGURE 10-2: The concept of Shift Security Left. FIGURE 10-3: An example of software library attributions for a software applica...


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4 Table of Contents

      5  Begin Reading

      6  Glossary

      7  Index

      8  СКАЧАТЬ