Название: Deep Learning Approaches to Cloud Security
Автор: Группа авторов
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр: Отраслевые издания
isbn: 9781119760504
Pramod Singh Rathore
Vishal Dutt
Rashmi Agrawal
Satya Murthy Sasubilli
Srinivasa Rao Swarna
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This is Dr. Abhishek Kumar, Assistant Professor in Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh. I have been involved in the research for more than 8 years with the authors of this book. This book is about a solution to these more intuitive problems. This solution is to allow computers to learn from experience and understand the world in terms of a hierarchy of concepts, with each concept defined through its relation to simpler concepts.
This book is about how Deep Learning is the fastest growing field in computer science. Deep Learning algorithms and techniques are found to be useful in different areas like Automatic Machine Translation, Automatic Handwriting Generation, Visual Recognition, Fraud Detection, Detecting Developmental Delay in Children. However, applying Deep Learning techniques or algorithms successfully in these areas needs a concerted effort, fostering integrative research between experts ranging from diverse disciplines from data science to visualization. This book provides state of the art approaches of Deep Learning in these areas. It includes areas of detection, prediction, as well as future framework development, building service systems and analytical aspects. In all these topics, approaches of Deep Learning such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm and hybrid mechanisms are used. This book is intended for dealing with modeling and performance prediction of the efficient cloud security systems thereby bringing newer dimension.
This book shall help clarify understanding of certain key mechanism of technology helpful in realizing such system. Enables processing of very large dataset help with precise and comprehensive forecast of risk and delivers recommended action that improve outcome for consumer. It is a novel application domain of deep learning that is of prime importance to human civilization as a whole. This would be helpful for both professionals and students, with state-of-the art knowledge on the frontiers in information assurance. This book is a good step in that direction.
Dr. Abhishek Kumar
Assistant Professor
Abhishek Kumar || Assistant Professor, PhD, Senior Member (IEEE)
Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN) Chitkara University, India
This book is organized into fifteen chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the prevailing Biometric modalities, classification, and their working. It goes on to discuss the various approaches used for Facial Biometric Identification such as feature selection, extraction, face marking, and the nearest neighbor approach.
In Chapter 2 we understand the cloud computing concept with Multi-Tenant Framework (MWF). In Multi-Tenant Framework, there is a requirement of privacy and security, a concept developed using Deep Learning. The goal is to find privacy requirements in many factors. Multi-tenancy based systems use the Deep Learning concept. The services of Multi-Tenant based systems are aggregated due to the dynamic environment of cloud computing. Three consistencies will maintain privacy policies using deep learning.
In Chapter 3, Automatic Emotion Detection using facial expression recognition is now a main area of focus in various fields such as computer science, medicine, and psychology. Various feature extraction СКАЧАТЬ