Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор. Т. М. Олива Моралес
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Читать онлайн книгу Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор - Т. М. Олива Моралес страница 7

СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      If I (not have../ если бы…) another information, I (say../ я бы…) that all data (provide../ были предоставлены) (! / без) (take..) (!) account …customers (!) TOP partners and branches.

      Ключ к тесту 6

      I would be extremely surprised if you were told that that we will be given around 600 new customers in September.

      I would say that about 400 clients could come for the Test Drive campaign.

      I would not believe if I were told that the number of new replenished clients will be steadily growing from the beginning of September to the end of August.

      You said that in total by the end of September we would be brought about 1000 new customers.

      We were told that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department was holding a meeting on that issue, after I we had been given the results, we could also vote.

      She said that if the next day throughout the evening the finance department would be holding a meeting on this issue, before I was sent to you with the results, I could have found out the results of the vote.

      She will suspect forgery if she is told that the top partners are added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

      He was told that she would suspect forgery if she was told that the top partners were added to the database for 2021 almost daily.

      We said that in just a few holidays, the geographic group could be fully explored.

      We were told that if since that morning our new employee was dividing the countries in the database into Abroad and the CIS, someone from the staff could handle the organization of the meeting for the delegation from China.

      If I add a legend for indicators and a copy taking into account TOP partners, the new indicators will alert all employees.

      If the employees of our department evaluate the foreign countries in the periods of activity for all clients, as it was done before, they will not be thrilled.

      He said that it would be great if for several days, we were considering the percentage distribution of money and periods of activity.

      I would not like if he would be told that I had been written a legend for the report for two days before the meeting started.

      What would you say if you had found out that there are customers who had signed up 3 months before the audit started.

      You would be never told that their top-ups for the reference period were averaged.

      If I did not have another information, I would say that all data was provided without taking into account the customers of TOP

      partners and branches.

      Упражнение 1 (1 531 новое слово и выражение)

      1. Прочитайте рассказ, переведите его на русский язык, выписав и выучив все новые слова и выражения.

      2. Поставьте текст рассказа в Google Translate https://translate.google.ru (направление перевода с английского на русский), скопируйте и сохраните русский текст перевода в файл.

      3. Переведите рассказ устно с русского на английский язык. Если какие-либо слова и выражения будут вызывать у вас сложности, выпишите их из английского текста данного рассказа и заучите ещё раз. Далее повторите устный перевод рассказа с русского на английский язык (повторяйте устный перевод столько раз, сколько вам понадобится для устранения всех ошибок и неточностей).

      You don’t say!


      This book will tell you about one day in the life of Sofochka Ponce de Leon. Confident that she had finally broken her husband’s favorite laptop, she wants to make it up to him. The woman sets off on a difficult journey for a new computer on bumpy roads of Moscow Region.

      Illustrations announcement

      You don’t say!

      Sonia, maiden name Utesova, and then Ponce de Leon, was married to a Latin American programmer named David, who was originally from faraway sunny Mexico.

      Her husband, having valiantly graduated from the Peoples Friendship University with honors, got a well-paid job in a large Russian company.

      It can be said that Sonya, was very lucky to have such a husband, because he doted on his sweetheart, was ready to do anything, or almost everything for her, depending on the amount of money in his bank account.

      And that money was always a very limited amount, since Sonya had enormous needs – she wanted everything at once and, moreover, constantly. Sofia got used to dressing in style – she liked the most beautiful and expensive clothes.

      At the same time, she bought new things for herself in the most expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital. And then she and her girlfriend went to celebrate another replenishment of the wardrobe to a trendy restaurant, which also very noticeably cost mister Ponce de Leon. Despite all of the above, the family lived in peace and marital idyll.


      And once Solomonida (as so David lovingly called her) cooked dinner in the kitchen, writing a post for her blog «Everything for the Blondes» and being hung up on a phone call with a friend.

      Suddenly, the Ukrainian borsch, which her husband loved so much, began to boil out of the pan directly onto a clean, brand new cooker, washed to a lovely sheen on the eve.

      – Shit! – Sonechka cursed out, threw the phone on the open laptop and fo- cused on her borsch.

      After the minor kitchen troubles had been eliminated, she returned to the computer and – oh, what the hell! Its screen was black. Deciding that it was hibernating, СКАЧАТЬ