The Resilient Founder. Mahendra Ramsinghani
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Название: The Resilient Founder

Автор: Mahendra Ramsinghani

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Личные финансы


isbn: 9781119839743


СКАЧАТЬ very finality, is not wholly a failure. There is, I believe, a whole class of suicides who take their own lives not in order to die but to escape confusion, to clear their heads. They deliberately use suicide to create an unencumbered reality for themselves or to break through the patterns of obsession and necessity which they have unwittingly imposed on their lives.

Snapshot of the post from Yashar Ali.

      Source: Twitter, Inc.

      This Might Be Just a Passing Phase, One of My Bad Days

Graph depicts most depression episodes drop after ~10 months.

       I Go Down to the Shore

       -by Mary Oliver

       I go down to the shore in the morning

       and depending on the hour the waves

       are rolling in or moving out,

       and I say, oh, I am miserable,

       what shall -

       what should I do? And the sea says

       in its lovely voice:

       Excuse me, I have work to do

      Fantasizing about Death versus Facing the Harshness of Reality

      The list of all those who failed at suicide is long. Tim Ferriss and Jerry Colonna failed at suicide. They went on and succeeded in many other ways. For one, they lived to talk about their journey and inspire the rest of us.

Aspirations Unintended outcomes
Financial freedom Overwhelmed/overstimulated
Problem-solving skills Feeling adrift
Logical processes Disorganized chaos
Self-confidence Fear, anxiety, and defensive behaviors
Adaptability/agility Rigidity/fear of change/aggression
New learnings and growth Stagnancy and pessimism
Enhanced empathy for team members and customers Inability to understand and express emotions; self-centered/one-sided

      When in such a vortex, the best thing to do is to postpone any plans till tomorrow. And between now and tomorrow, those aching parts inside you – how can you help those gnawing, angry, frustrated parts to be still? Talking about suicide is as easy as chewing glass, but starting with “I am not feeling as good today” may just as well be a starting point.

      Dr. Irvin D. Yalom, MD, professor emeritus of psychiatry at Stanford University, often tells his suicidal patients, “There is a part of you that is here today. I want to talk to that part of you …”

      You are here today.

      And so am I.

      And while we are still here, we have to contribute our verse.

       O Me! O Life!

       -Walt Whitman

       Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,

       Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill'd with the foolish,

       Of myself forever reproaching myself,

       (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)

       Of eyes that vainly crave the light,

       of the objects mean,

       of the struggle ever renew'd,

       Of the poor results of all,

       of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,

       Of the empty and useless years of the rest,

       with the rest me intertwined,

       The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these,

       O me, O life?


       That you are here СКАЧАТЬ