Perceptions and Analysis of Digital Risks. Группа авторов
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Название: Perceptions and Analysis of Digital Risks

Автор: Группа авторов

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Базы данных


isbn: 9781119887942


СКАЧАТЬ transformations are taking place, such as that of digital activity, along with its uncertainties and possibilities.

      What do we mean by “digital risks”? The expression brings into play both the informational character of human activities, its technological and social space, and the human factors driving the activity. They concern the informationalization of human activities and the relationship to the information regime. At different scales, micro (that of the digital subject), meso (that of the learning devices) and macro (that of the generalized register of interactions), it puts a strain on informational ecology. Digital risks now belong to both the generalized digital transposition and the activity itself that unfolds in the uses, their “sociodynamics” (according to A. Moles’ expression), where there are close links between social issues and knowledge.

      The educational context, between mediations and practices, creates a particular tension. In the relationship between teaching and learning, education encounters the risks brought about both by technological and social transformation and by human activities that have moved or developed in the digital world. How can we escape a paradoxical and antagonistic culture, between the need for digital technology to teach and learn on the one hand, and on the other, an overvaluation of the risks that would problematize its use? How can we build a “learner” autonomy? How can we compensate for the ethical fragility of digital technology, which seems to escape older paths of knowledge? How do teachers (and students, in their “profession”) reconcile their personal and professional practices (Capelle op. cit.)? How can the desire to teach turn into the risk of teaching (Cordier 2017)?4 These questions, and others, lead us to a dialogue between practice and research in this book.

      How do we represent risks in our minds? The “existence” of risk can be split up into the real danger perceived and the representation we have of it. Between real and perceived risks, real and imaginary, for all the actors – in this case, teachers and students – the risk incurred (factual aspect) is as important as the perception of the digital “cause” linked to it. The postures engaged find their reason: avoidance, risk literacy, the staging of activities that ensure awareness (fact-checking), reflexive practices, etc. All of the actions undertaken, the literacy of the risk and the awareness of the “cause” of the risk, have to be taken into account. All of the actions undertaken, and the articulation of risk, are based on a perception that contributes to its reality. Representations thus play a strategic role in prevention and in the capacity of individuals to conceive and define risk. The meaning given, what “we think we are doing” (in the sense of Bruner5), brings together the inner and outer facets of the situation. The perception of risk does not necessarily conform to its reality; but it is the reality of the action it supports. The representations (individual and shared subjectivation) interfere with the uses as much as those which construct them. The represented mode belongs to the work; it becomes a critical point. Articulated with reality, integrated with a reflexive thought, the perception of the risk becomes a lever for our practices.

      Risk has become a social and informational reality, both objective and subjective, “that drives us to act”. Its integration as a regulated condition of the informational experience supposes an intelligence and an experience of the activity shared with the students. The integration of the risk dimension in teaching and learning activities is associated with “media literacy” in our educational system. Its objective is the awareness and management of students’ activity in an information environment. The ability to assess digital risks and the possibility of managing events/information in a critical way are the horizon. Media education opens up, beyond the mastery of informational tools, by taking into account the fragility of information systems or illicit uses, to the informational experience and to an information culture. It is not a matter of protecting ourselves from risk, but of designing support for students that is adapted to information contexts. “Risk education”, integrated into teaching and learning, examines the new skills required for an information society, as well as pedagogical mediation. Risk education integrated with information literacy responds to the need for the new regulations (Beck) required for an information society. Different paths, the plurality of situations and uses, are thus to be explored in the educational field. The notion of risk, as a condition, is not a limit to be fixed but a critical tool within learning.