Risk Assessment. Georgi Popov
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Название: Risk Assessment

Автор: Georgi Popov

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781119755944


СКАЧАТЬ in OSHA regulations and their compliance in the past, they will be expected to lead hazard analyses and risk assessments. This is the advancement of the safety profession.

      Review Questions

      1 1 Describe risk assessment’s role within the framework of risk management.

      2 2 Name three standards or guidelines which have the process of hazard analysis and risk assessment as a “required” core element.

      3 3 State the primary purpose of an operational risk assessment.

      4 4 Explain the difference between a hazard and a risk.

      5 5 Within a risk assessment process, explain how “establishing the context” affects the process. When is the context established and what should it contain?

      6 6 Provide a brief description of the three types of risk analysis values used.

      7 7 Explain the concept of ALARP.

      1 ANSI/ASSP Z10.0‐2019 (2019). American National Standard – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Safety Professionals.

      2 ANSI/ASSP Z590.3‐2011(R2016) (2016). Prevention Through Design: Guidelines for Addressing Occupational Hazards and Risks in Design and Redesign Processes. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Safety Professionals.

      3  ANSI/ASSP Z690.1‐2011 (2011). American National Standard – Vocabulary for Risk Management. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Safety Professionals.

      4 ANSI/ASSP/ISO 31000‐2018 (2018). Risk Management – Guidelines. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Safety Professionals.

      5 ANSI/ASSP/ISO 31010‐2019 (2019). Risk Management – Risk Assessment. Park Ridge, IL: American Society of Safety Professionals.

      6 ANSI B11.TR3–2000 (2000). Risk Assessment and Risk Reduction – A Guide to Estimate, Evaluate and Reduce Risks Associated with Machine Tools. New York: ANSI.

      7 ASSP. (2011). Prevention through design: Guidelines for addressing occupational hazards and risks in design and redesign processes [Webinar]. http://eo2.commpartners.com/users/asse/session.php?id=7823

      8 BP. (2010). Deepwater Horizon accident investigation report. www.bp.com/liveassets/bp_internet/globalbp/globalbp_uk_english/incident_response/STAGING/local_assets/downloads_pdfs/Deepwater_Horizon_Accident_Investigation_Report.pdf

      9 BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (2007). Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements. London, UK: British Standards Institution (BSI).

      10 Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB). (2003). Columbia accident investigation board report (Vol. 1). Washington, DC: NASA. Retrieved from www.nasa.gov/columbia/home/CAIB_Vol1.html

      11 EU‐OSHA. (2015). Risk Assessment – Safety and Health at Work. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. https://osha.europa.eu/en/topics/riskassessment/index_html (Retrieved 2 April 2015)

      12 Health and Safety Executive. Managing risks and risk assessment at work. London: Author. https://www.hse.gov.uk/simple‐health‐safety/risk/index.htm (accessed 6 June 2021)

      13 ILO‐OSH (2001). Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Office.

      14 ISO 14001:2004(E) (2004). Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization.

      15 Lyon, B.K. and Hollcroft, B. (2012). Risk assessments – Top 10 Pitfalls & tips for improvement. Professional Safety 57 (12): 28–34.

      16 Manuele, F.A. (2010). Acceptable risk: time for SH&E professionals to adopt the concept. Professional Safety 55 (5): 30–38.

      17 Manuele, F.A. (2008). Advanced Safety Management: Focusing on Z10 and Serious Injury Prevention. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

      18 MIL‐STD‐882E (2012). Standard Practice for System Safety. Washington, DC: Department of Defense.

      19 OSHA (2003). Voluntary Protection Programs: Policies and Procedures Manual. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Author www.osha.gov/OshDoc/Directive_pdf/CSP_03‐01‐003.pdf.

      20 Elliott, M.W. (2012). Risk Assessment and Treatment, 1e. Malvern, PA: The Institutes.

      21 Elliott, M.W. (2012). Risk Management Principles and Practices, 1e. Malvern, PA: The Institutes.

      22 Wikipedia. (2015). Quadrants (plane geometry). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadrant_%28plane_geometry%29 (Retrieved 18 April 2015)

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