Disaster Response and Recovery. David A. McEntire
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Название: Disaster Response and Recovery

Автор: David A. McEntire

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социальная психология


isbn: 9781119810056


СКАЧАТЬ the whole community. The increase in the frequency and severity of disasters has challenged many communities and those individuals assigned to lead during them. As we work to respond and recover from these cascading disasters, we pull lessons learned from the past. Therefore, McEntire’s third edition of Disaster Response and Recovery remains an essential text for students in the emergency management discipline.

      Bridging theory with practice remains an educational challenge in this discipline. Coming from the perspective of a pracademic, McEntire’s book has one foot in the academic realm and the other in the practice of emergency management. This connection is evident in the book as he integrates emergency management, public administration, policy, and sociology theories with practice by including real‐world examples and lessons learned. This edition not only relies upon prior disasters that led to substantial policy and institutional changes at all levels of government and every sector of society, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but it also includes recent examples from national and international disasters.

      Most notably, is the COVID‐19 pandemic, in which McEntire includes human attitudes, political issues, communication challenges, medical surges, mass fatality management, volunteer management, and the initial lessons learned. In this regard, 2020 was the first time in recent history that every emergency manager was working on the same crisis – the pandemic – and nearly every emergency operations center was activated either in‐person or virtually. At the time of this writing, the COVID‐19 pandemic alone has taken 2.7 million lives globally. Although many local, state and federal governments had a pandemic annex in their larger comprehensive emergency management plans – primary based on H1N1 pandemic in 2009 – COVID‐19 tested these plans and nearly all will be rewritten.

      Communication – within and across organizations – became critical during the pandemic as information and recommendations from officials at all levels of government changed on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Video conferencing replaced in‐person meetings. Moreover, the increased use of social media by individuals, media, businesses, nonprofits, and governments dramatically changed how emergency managers communicate, manage rumors and misinformation, and obtain situational awareness information. Some local jurisdictions do not have the staffing capacity to use social media outside of pushing information or resharing posts from state or federal agencies. For this reason, McEntire expands previous social media information with recent research, examples, remaining challenges and lessons learned.

      As the discipline moves closer to accreditation, there remains a need to implement FEMA’s Next Generation Emergency Core Competencies within individual courses and throughout an academic program. This edition expands on previous efforts by providing substantial information to achieve many of the outlined competencies, including the emergency management framework, principles, and body of knowledge; ethical leadership; critical thinking; sociocultural and systems literacy; and governance and civics.

      As an emergency management student, I used the first version of McEntire’s book in my studies. I was like many other emergency management students ‐ a practitioner returning to the university for a graduate degree. This book allowed me the opportunity to apply my practical knowledge to the theories that were foreign to me. As a faculty member, I selected McEntire’s second edition of Disaster Response and Recovery for many of the same reasons. However, as a current teacher, I value the additional resources provided in the revised chapters and online through the publisher’s website. Each chapter includes learning outcomes, goals, and objectives; self‐check, summary, and review questions; and scenario‐based questions which allow students to step into a management role and critically think through the concepts from that chapter.

      I have known Dave for nearly a decade as we served in the American Society for Public Administration’s Section on Emergency and Crisis Management and FEMA’s Higher Education Program. Prior to becoming Dean at Utah Valley University, he was a professor in the Emergency Administration and Planning Program and Associate Dean in the College of Public Affairs and Community Service at the University of North Texas. Most importantly, he was recognized by his peers twice. First in 2010 with the Dr. B. Wayne Blanchard Award for Academic Excellence in Emergency Management Higher Education. Then at the 2018 FEMA Higher Education Symposium with the inaugural Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award.

      In the dynamic and complex emergency and crisis management profession, education is key. As detailed in the Next Generation Emergency Core Competencies, students must achieve multiple knowledge, skills, and abilities, which this book addresses. As the discipline continues to grow, there remains a need to learn from previous disasters and integrate theory with practice into the curriculum. With a record breaking 2020, McEntire’s third edition of Disaster Response and Recovery is a timely answer to this call.

      Claire Connolly Knox, Ph.D.

      School of Public Administration

      University of Central Florida


      There is a growing sense among scholars and practitioners that greater emphasis needs to be placed on risk reduction and mitigation activities in the increasingly important profession of emergency management. Recurring hazards, new threats, rising losses, and further vulnerability all lead to the inescapable conclusion that a more proactive approach to disasters is undeniably warranted. The author agrees with this assessment.

      It is also necessary to recognize that response and recovery operations will always be required—to some degree or another—after earthquakes, hazardous materials spills or terrorist attacks. Furthermore, as the reaction to 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and Covid‐19 illustrate, there is ample room for improvement in how we react disasters. At least some of the mistakes made in these cases could have been avoided if the extensive disaster literature had been heeded by politicians, public servants, corporations, nonprofit agencies and citizens alike. In addition, there is no doubt that post‐disaster functions also have an immediate or long‐term impact on the protection of life, property and the environment as well as the minimization of human suffering and social disruption.

      For these reasons, Disaster Response and Recovery: Strategies and Tactics for Resilience has been written. Its goal is to integrate the lessons provided by both researchers and professionals, updating the field with current studies and practical guidelines. Rather than address these reactive phases as if they were the only responsibilities of today’s emergency managers, this book attempts to illustrate that successful warning, evacuation and other disaster functions require advanced preparedness measures and careful implementation. Recovery likewise provides a prime opportunity to implement change, thereby reducing the probability and consequences of future disasters.

      Of course, no book can provide sufficient or fail‐proof ideas on how СКАЧАТЬ