J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022. Barbara Weltman
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Название: J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2022

Автор: Barbara Weltman

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Личные финансы


isbn: 9781119838548


СКАЧАТЬ B: Checklist of Tax‐Free Items

      22  APPENDIX C: Checklist of Nondeductible Items Nondeductible Items

      23  Index

      24  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 IntroductionTABLE I.1 Standard Deduction Amounts for 2021

      2 Chapter 1TABLE 1.1 Stage 1 Phaseout of the Child Tax Credit over MAGI Limits in 2021TABLE 1.2 Stage 2 Phaseout of Child Tax Credit over MAGI Limits in 2021TABLE 1.3 Maximum Earned Income Credit for 2021TABLE 1.4 Earned Income Needed for Top Credit in 2021TABLE 1.5 AGI Phaseout Range for the Earned Income Credit in 2021TABLE 1.6 MAGI Phaseout Range for the Adoption Credit in 2021TABLE 1.7 Year to Claim the Credit for Adoption of a U.S. Citizen or Resident Ch...TABLE 1.8 Year to Claim the Credit for Adoption of a Foreign Child

      3 Chapter 2TABLE 2.1 Poverty Amounts in the Contiguous States and D.C.*TABLE 2.2TABLE 2.3 Deductible Long‐Term Care Premiums for 2021TABLE 2.4 Health Savings Account Contribution Limits for 2021TABLE 2.5 2021 High‐Deductible Policy LimitsTABLE 2.6 2021 Limits on Deductlbles and Out‐of‐Pocket ExpensesTABLE 2.7 Part B Premiums for 2021TABLE 2.8 Part D Premiums for 2021

      4 Chapter 3TABLE 3.1 2021 MAGI Phaseout Range for Education CreditsTABLE 3.2 2021 Phaseout Ranges for Student Interest DeductionTABLE 3.3 2021 Phaseout Ranges for Savings Bond Interest ExclusionTABLE 3.4 MAGI Phaseout Ranges for Coverdell ESA Contributors

      5 Chapter 5TABLE 5.1 2021 MAGI Phaseout Range for Active Participants Deducting IRA Contrib...TABLE 5.2 MAGI Limits in 2021 for Retirement Saver's Credit

      6 Chapter 6TABLE 6.1 Deduction for Income from Intellectual Property DonationsTABLE 6.2 Record Keeper for Your Cash Donations

      7 Chapter 7TABLE 7.1 Dollar Limit on Depreciation of Passenger CarsTABLE 7.2 Sample Inclusion Amounts for Cars First Leased in 2021TABLE 7.3 States with Ad Valorem Taxes

      8 Chapter 8TABLE 8.1 2021 Ceiling on Taxable Income for Zero Tax RateTABLE 8.2 2021 Taxable Income Triggering 20% Tax RateTABLE 8.3 State Income Tax Treatment of Municipal Bond Interest

      9 Chapter 9TABLE 9.1 North American Area for Convention DeductionTABLE 9.2 Sample Weekly Travel Expense Record Keeper

      10 Chapter 10TABLE 10.1 Depreciation Rates for Residential Rental PropertyTABLE 10.2 Depreciation Rates for Nonresidential Rental Property (Placed in Serv...

      11 Chapter 12TABLE 12.1 Phaseout Range for the Economic Impact Payment

      12 Chapter 13TABLE 13.1 Fringe Benefits in 2021TABLE 13.2 Benefits Exempt from Social Security and Medicare (FICA) Taxes

      13 Chapter 14TABLE 14.1 2021 Taxable Income Phaseout for the QBI DeductionTABLE 14.2 Tax Credits

      14 Chapter 15TABLE 15.1 Income Threshold for the Excludable Portion of Social Security Benefi...TABLE 15.2 2021 Phaseout Thresholds for the AMT Exemption


      1  Cover Page

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Introduction

      6  Begin Reading

      7  Appendix A Items Adjusted Annually for Inflation

      8  Appendix B Checklist of Tax‐Free Items

      9  Appendix C Checklist of Nondeductible Items

      10  Index

      11  End User License Agreement


      1  iii

      2  iv

      3  vii

      4  viii

      5  ix

      6  x

      7  xi

      8  xii

      9  xiii

      10  xiv

      11  1

      12  2

      13  3

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      18 8

      19  СКАЧАТЬ