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Scrivener Publishing 100 Cummings Center, Suite 541J Beverly, MA 01915-6106
Diatoms: Biology and Applications
Series Editors: Richard Gordon ([email protected]) and Joseph Seckbach ([email protected])
Scope: The diatoms are a single-cell algal group, with each cell surrounded by a silica shell. The shells have beautiful attractive shapes with multiscalar structure at 8 orders of magnitude, and have several uses. 20% of the oxygen we breathe is produced by diatom photosynthesis, and they feed most of the aquatic food chain in freshwaters and the oceans. Diatoms serve as sources of biofuel and electrical solar energy production and are impacting on nanotechnology and photonics. They are important ecological and paleoclimate indicators. Some of them are extremophiles, living at high temperatures or in ice, at extremes of pH, at high or low light levels, and surviving СКАЧАТЬ