Globalization. George Ritzer
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Название: Globalization

Автор: George Ritzer

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781119527312


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      22 Ferguson, James. 2006. Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World. Durham: Duke University Press.

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      32 Giulianotti, Richard, and Dino Numerato. 2018. “Global Sport and Consumer Culture: An Introduction.” Journal of Consumer Culture 18 (2): 229–240.

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      36 Gruin, Julian. 2016. “The Social Order of Chinese Capitalism: Socio-economic Uncertainty, Communist Party Rule and Economic Development, 1990–2000.” Economy & Society 45 (1): 24–50.

      37 Held, David, and Anthony McGrew. 2000. “The Great Globalization Debate: An Introduction.” In David Held and Anthony McGrew, eds., The Global Transformations Reader: An Introduction to the Globalization Debate. Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 1–50.

      38 Hoffman, Stanley. 2002. “Clash of Globalizations.” Foreign Affairs 81 (4): 104–115.

      39 Holden, Nigel. 2016. “Globalization, Regionalization, and Global Mindset: Shifting Perspectives in the 21st Century.” In John Kuada, ed., Global Mindsets: Exploration and Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

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      41 Kahn, Richard. 2012. “Globophilia.” In George Ritzer, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

      42 Kellner, Douglas. 2002. “Theorizing Globalization.” Sociological Theory 20 (3): 285–305.

      43 Kellogg, Paul. 2012. “Civil Society.” In George Ritzer, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

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      45 Langman, Lauren. 2012. “Globalization from Below.” In George Ritzer, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

      46 Lewin, Tamar. 2008. “Universities Rush to Set Up Outposts Abroad.” New York Times February 10.

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