Globalization. George Ritzer
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Название: Globalization

Автор: George Ritzer

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Социология


isbn: 9781119527312


СКАЧАТЬ of Figures

      8  Preface

      9 1 GLOBALIZATION ILiquids, Flows, and StructuresSome of the BasicsFrom Solids to Liquids (to Gases)FlowsHeavy, Light, WeightlessHeavy Structures That Expedite FlowsHeavy Structures as Barriers to FlowsThe Winners and Losers of Global FlowsOn the Increasing Ubiquity of Global Flows and StructuresThinking About Global Flows and StructuresChapter Summary

      10 2 GLOBALIZATION IISome Basic Issues, Debates, and ControversiesIs There Such a Thing as Globalization?Is it Globalization, Transnationalization, or Regionalization?If There is Such a Thing as Globalization, When Did it Begin?Globalization or Globalizations?What Drives Globalization?Does Globalization Hop Rather than Flow?If There Is Such a Thing as Globalization, Is It Inexorable?Who Controls Globalization?Does Globaphilia or Globaphobia Have the Upper Hand?What, if Anything, Can Be Done About Globalization?Chapter Summary

      11 3 GLOBALIZATION AND RELATED PROCESSESImperialism, Colonialism, Development, Westernization, Easternization, and AmericanizationImperialismColonialismDevelopmentWesternizationEasternizationAmericanizationComparisons with GlobalizationThe Era of the “Posts”Chapter Summary

      12 4 NEOLIBERALISMRoots, Principles, Criticisms, and Neo-Marxian AlternativesThe Historical Context of NeoliberalismNeoliberalism: The Basic PrinciplesCritiquing NeoliberalismNeoliberalism: The Case of IsraelThe Death of Neoliberalism?Neo-Marxian Theoretical Alternatives to NeoliberalismChapter Summary

      13 5 GLOBAL POLITICAL STRUCTURES AND PROCESSESOn Political Processes and FlowsThe Nation-State“Imagined Community”Changes in Global Nation-State RelationsGlobal Political Developments and StructuresRegional Political OrganizationsGlobal GovernanceCivil SocietyChapter Summary

      14 6 STRUCTURING THE GLOBAL ECONOMYBefore Bretton WoodsBretton Woods and the Bretton Woods SystemThe End of Bretton WoodsRegional Economic Integration and Free TradeOther Economic OrganizationsThe Role of Emerging EconomiesThe Multinational Corporation (MNC)The Myth of Economic Globalization?Chapter Summary

      15 7 GLOBAL ECONOMIC FLOWSProduction and ConsumptionGlobal Trade FlowsGlobal Value ChainsIncreasing Competition for CommoditiesThe Economic Impact of the Flow of OilRace to the Bottom and UpgradingOutsourcingFinancial GlobalizationCorporations, People, and IdeasConsumptionChapter Summary

      16 8 GLOBAL CULTURE AND CULTURAL FLOWSCultural DifferentialismCultural HybridizationCultural ConvergenceSport: A Case Study for Global CultureChapter Summary

      17 9 HIGH-TECH GLOBAL FLOWS AND STRUCTURESTechnology, Mass Media, the Internet, and Social MediaTechnology, Time-Space Compression, and DistanciationMass MediaThe Internet and Social MediaChapter Summary

      18 10 GLOBAL FLOWS OF PEOPLEMigration, Human Trafficking, and TourismMigrantsMigration FlowsHuman TraffickingTourismChapter Summary

      19 11 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWSModernization and Environmental FlowsDifferences among Nation-StatesGlobal Climate ChangeOther Environmental ProblemsGlobal ResponsesFraming Global ResponsesFrom Lightness to Heaviness in Environmental FlowsCollapseChapter Summary

      20 12 NEGATIVE GLOBAL FLOWS AND PROCESSESDiseases, Dangerous Imports, Crime, Terrorism, WarBorderless DiseasesDangerous ImportsCrimeTerrorismWarThe Impact of Negative Global Flows on IndividualsChapter Summary

      21 13 GLOBAL ECONOMIC POWER AND INEQUALITYClass Inequalities and Global CitiesClass InequalityGlobal Cities and the Rural-Urban ContextChapter Summary

      22 14 GLOBAL POWER AND INEQUALITIES IIRace, Ethnicity, Gender, and SexualityPower and InequalityRace and EthnicityGender and SexualityChapter Summary

      23 15 DEALING WITH, RESISTING, AND THE FUTURES OF, GLOBALIZATIONDealing with GlobalizationResisting GlobalizationSocial Movements and Alter-GlobalizationsThe Futures of GlobalizationChapter Summary

      24 AppendixAnthropologySociologyPolitical ScienceEconomicsGeographyPsychologyLiterary Criticism (Postcolonial)Other Fields

      25  Glossary

      26  Index

      27  End User License Agreement

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 11.1 Airline passenger volume1.2 Global migration flows by region, 2010–2015

      2 Chapter 22.1 Internet usage by country (% of population)

      3 Chapter 33.1 Colonial empires and their colonies: 19203.2 Global english3.3 Trump ratings were low around globe

      4 Chapter 44.1 The top 50 billionaires

      5 Chapter 55.1 Growth of the EU, 1951–20205.2 From 1990 to 2020, the number of countries with...

      6 Chapter 66.1 Number of regional trade agreements (RTAs) notified...6.2 Transnationality index of top 100 global MNEs, by decade

      7 Chapter 77.1 Global trade flows, 20187.2 The global value chain for the iPhone7.3 Amazon’s global growth continues to dominate...

      8 Chapter 88.1 Huntington’s civilizations8.2 The domains of the major religions

      9 Chapter 99.1 Global disinformation

      10 Chapter 1010.1 Where do international migrants come from...10.2 Flows into low- and middle-income countries

      11 Chapter 1111.1 Costs of acquiring sustainable water sources...11.2 Global shale gas development and water stress11.3 Globally degraded forest and landscape...

      12 Chapter 1212.1 COVID-19 rapidly spread around the world12.2 Global terrorist attacks 12.3 Map of foreign fighters in Ukraine:...

      13 Chapter 1313.1 Cities powering globalization

      14 Chapter 1414.1 The global slave trade forced millions of black...14.2 World maternal СКАЧАТЬ