Название: CEH v11
Автор: Ric Messier
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр: Зарубежная компьютерная литература
isbn: 9781119824527
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Certified Ethical Hacker
Version 11
Practice Tests
Second Edition
Ric Messier
Copyright © 2022 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
Published simultaneously in Canada.
978-1-119-82513-5 (ebk.)
978-1-119-82452-7 (ebk.)
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For my best friend, partner, and the best support and cheerleader I could ask for, Robin.
Thanks to my agent, Carole, for always looking out for me, and thanks to Robin for always supporting me and keeping me going as I worked through this process. Thanks as well to the Wiley staff, Tom Dinse, and Jim Minatel for their support through the editing of this book.
The publisher wishes to acknowledge the work of Raymond Blockmon, the author of the previous Sybex book CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Practice Tests. Although this new book, CEH v11: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 11 Practice Tests, is heavily updated with new and revised questions, Raymond's work on the CEH v9 book laid the foundation that made this new CEH v11 book possible.
About the Author
Ric Messier got started in information security in the early 1980s by discovering a privilege escalation vulnerability on an IBM mainframe that opened the door to the worldwide network of the BITNET for him. Since that time, he has been a programmer, system administrator, network engineer, security consultant, instructor, program director, and penetration tester as well as having led a security engineering team at a global Internet service provider (the company that built the ARPAnet). He has developed many training courses as well as having developed graduate degree programs for two colleges. Additionally, he's taught courses at Brandeis University, Champlain College, University of Colorado at Boulder, and Harvard University. He holds CEH, CCSP, GCIH, GSEC, and CISSP certifications and has previously held CCNA, MCSE, and MCP+I certifications. Additionally, he has a Master of Science degree in Digital forensic science. He is currently a Principal Consultant with Mandiant, a world leader in incident response and security consulting.
About the Technical Editor
Kenneth Tanner is an IT professional with 25+ years of extensive hands-on experience in networking, telecommunications, and systems administration, and the security thereof. He is currently a Senior Technical Instructor at FireEye/Mandiant where he provides instruction on incident response. He has also worked for Hughes Training, The University of Alabama System, and various private companies as a consultant and/or СКАЧАТЬ