Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications. Ibrahim Dincer
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Название: Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications

Автор: Ibrahim Dincer

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Физика


isbn: 9781119713142


СКАЧАТЬ involving multimode heat transfer effects, natural convection provides the largest resistance to heat transfer, and therefore plays an important role in the design or performance of the system. Moreover, when it is desirable to minimize the heat transfer rates or to minimize operating costs, natural convection is often preferred to forced convection.


      1.6.10 Forced Convection

      The study of forced convection is concerned with the heat transfer occurring between a forced moving fluid and a solid surface. To apply Newton's law of cooling as given in Eq. (1.85), it is necessary to determine the heat transfer coefficient. For this purpose, the Nusselt–Reynolds correlations may be used. The definitions of the Nusselt and Reynolds numbers have been given in Table 1.9. Forced air and water coolers, forced air and water evaporators and condensers, and heat exchangers are examples of equipments commonly involved in forced convection heat transfer.

      Source: Olson and Wright [8].

Equation or correlation
General equations
Nu = hY/kf = cRan and Ra = Gr Pr = (TsTa)Y3/νa
where n is 1/4 for laminar flow and 1/3 for turbulent flow. Y denotes the height for vertical plates or pipes, diameter for horizontal pipes, and radius for spheres. Tfm ≡ (Ts + Ta)/2.
Correlations for vertical plates (or inclined plates, inclined up to 60°)
Nu = [0.825 + 0.387Ra1/6/(1 + (0.492/Pr)9/16)4/9]2 for an entire range of Ra
Nu = 0.68 + 0.67Ra1/4/(1 + (0.492/Pr)9/16)4/9 for 0 < Ra < 109
Correlations for horizontal plates (YAs/P)
For upper surface of heated plate or lower surface of cooled plate:
Nu = 0.54Ra1/4 for 104 ≤ Ra ≤ 107
Nu = 0.15Ra1/3 for 107 ≤ Ra ≤ 1011
For lower surface of heated plate or upper surface of cooled plate:
Nu = 0.27Ra1/4 for 105 ≤ Ra ≤ 1010
Correlations for horizontal cylinders
Nu = hD/k = cRan
c = 0.675 and n = 0.058 for 10−10 < Ra < 10−2
c = 1.020 and n = 0.148 for 10−2 < Ra < 102
c = 0.850 and n = 0.188 for 102 < Ra < 104
c = 0.480 and n = 0.250 for 104 < Ra < 107
c = 0.125 and n = 0.333 for 107 < Ra < 1012
Nu = [0.60 + 0.387Ra1/6/(1 + (0.559/Pr)9/16)8/27]2 for an entire range of Ra
Correlations for spheres
Nu = 2 + 0.589Ra1/4/(1 + (0.469/Pr)9/16)4/9 for Pr ≥ 0.7 and Ra ≤ 1011
Heat transfer correlations
Gr Pr = 1.6 × 106Y3T)
with Y in m; ∆T in °C.
h = 0.29(∆T/Y)1/4 for vertical small plates in laminar range
h = 0.19(∆T)1/3 for vertical large plates in turbulent range
h = 0.27(∆T/Y)1/4 for horizontal small plates in laminar range (facing upward when heated or downward when cooled)
h = 0.22(∆T)1/3 for vertical large plates in turbulent range (facing downward when heated or upward when cooled)
h = 0.27(∆T/Y)1/4 for small cylinders in laminar range
h = 0.18(∆T)1/3 for large cylinders in turbulent range