Название: Депрессия отменяется. Как вернуться к жизни без врачей и лекарств
Автор: Ричард О’Коннор
Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
Жанр: Психотерапия и консультирование
isbn: 978-5-00057-413-3
William Styron, Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (New York: Random House, 1990).
Daniel Goleman. Depression in the Old Can Be Deadly, but the Symptoms Are Often Missed // New York Times, Cio (Sept. 6, 1995).
J. A. Egeland and J. N. Sussex. Suicide and Family Loading for Affective Disorders // Journal of the American Medical Association 25, 4915–4918 (1985). David B. Cohen. Out of the Blue: Depression and Human Nature (New York: Norton, 1994). American Association of Suicidology (www.suicidology.org), данные на 2005 год.
Robert N. Anderson and Betty L. Smith. Death: Leading Causes for 2002 // National Vital Statistics Reports 53 (2005) // www.cdc.gov/nchs/deaths.htm.
Jane Brody. Personal Health: Myriad Masks Hide an Epidemic of Depression // New York Times (Sept. 30, 1992). National Mental Health Association. NMHA Survey Finds Many Americans are Poorly Informed About Depression, Slow to Seek Help // Hospital and Community Psychiatry 43:3, 292–293 (March 1992).
Miller, Drama of the Gifted Child.
Там же.
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (Washington, DC: APA, 1994).