Orphans from the Storm. Penny Jordan
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Название: Orphans from the Storm

Автор: Penny Jordan

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки

Серия: Mills & Boon M&B

isbn: 9781472099983

isbn: 0


For the children’s sake…Lancashire, 1903 Clutching her infant son, widowed Marianne Brown headed towards the chimneys of Bellfield Mill. She had to get work and luckily the dark and brooding Heywood Denshaw needed a housekeeper – but the Master soon begun to wish for more…Sunderland, 1899 Wealthy farmer Luke Hudson gets more than he bargained for when he plucks a destitute young woman from the workhouse. He may have rescued Connie Summers from a life of penury, but her spirit and warmth give him a second chance at love.Isle of Dogs, 1928 Doctor Harry Fleet and compassionate nurse Tilly Dainty can’t help but clash at the Tap House Surgery. But working together to help the sick turns out to be the healing balm both their hearts needed.

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