Not Ready for Granny Panties--The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties. Mary Fran Bontempo
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Название: Not Ready for Granny Panties--The 11 Commandments for Avoiding Granny Panties

Автор: Mary Fran Bontempo

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Здоровье


isbn: 9781456609139

isbn: 0


It happens to the best of us. On a day like any other, you look in the mirror and find a cranky, worn-out, middle-aged woman staring back at you. A woman who is firmly strapped into a giant pair of GRANNY PANTIES.<br><br>Yes, aging is inevitable, but looking, and acting, like your grandma is not. So join Mary Fran Bontempo and learn a new set of Commandments that will enable you to avoid the Granny Panties and love life in the middle years. You&#39;ll laugh, learn a few things and with any luck, bid a permanent goodbye to GRANNY PANTIES and the old hag in the mirror!

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