The Gingerbread Boy & Joyful Jingle Play Stories (Illustrated Edition). Laura Rountree Smith
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СКАЧАТЬ your empty basket we soon will fill.”

      Of course, the Little Hill Men never dreamed that he would do it, so they went on digging for fairy gold.

      Funny Bunny was in real earnest, for he thought of Mother Tiny-Tail rocking sadly to and fro in her red plush rocking chair, so

      From the daisies to the apple tree,

      Skippety-hoppety-skip went he.

      My! how fast his legs could carry him!

      He came back singing:

      “Your hill’s as long, your hill’s as wide

      As anyone would care to ride!”

      The Little Hill Men were so surprised he had answered their question that they all stopped digging and crowded around Funny Bunny. “Click, click, click,” they dropped gold into his market basket.

      Then he ran with a hop, skip and jump to the Miller and bought a bag of meal. He took the meal to the Farmer and bought the corn. Then he took the corn to the Little Brown Hen, who lived in the lane, and she counted out one dozen, two dozen, three dozen, four dozen, five dozen beautiful white eggs. They filled the market basket Funny Bunny was carrying.

      When he got home he set the market basket down in front of Mother Tiny Tail, saying:

       Click! Click! They Dropped Gold Into His Basket

      “I’m Funny Bunny, I cannot stay,

      But I wish you a happy Easter Day.”

      Mother Tiny-Tail stopped rocking to and fro; but before she could say, “Thank you,” Funny Bunny was hippety-hoppety, off and away.

      Mother Tiny-Tail painted the Easter eggs and hid them everywhere.

      On Easter morning, all the Tiny-Tails cried, “Oh” and “Ah,” for they found the Easter Eggs in their shoes, in their oatmeal bowls, and in the most unexpected places.

      Just at that very minute Funny Bunny peeped in the window and cried, as he held up a wonderful sugary egg:

      “Kindness comes back now and then,

      See my Easter egg, from The Little Hill Men!”

      Funny Bunny was always so kind to the Little Tiny-Tails that the Hill Men remembered him.

       Funny Bunny Went Hippety-Hoppety, Off and Away

      Then, with a twinkle of nose, and a dancing of toes, Funny Bunny went hippety-hoppety, off and away, singing:

      “I really would not think it funny,

      If you should call me an Easter Bunny.”

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