The House Under the Sea (Musaicum Adventure Classics). Pemberton Max
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Название: The House Under the Sea (Musaicum Adventure Classics)

Автор: Pemberton Max

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066380236


СКАЧАТЬ me the choice of a hundred.

      For what should happen but that the weird being, whom Seth Barker had called the "he-lion," the old fellow in petticoats, whom the little girls made such a fuss of, he, I say, appeared of a sudden right in the path before us, and, holding up a lantern warningly, he hailed us with a word which told us that he was our friend—the very last I would have named for that in all the island.

      "Jasper Begg," cried he, in a voice that I'd have known for a Frenchman's anywhere, "follow Clair-de-Lune—follow—follow!"

      He turned to the bushes behind him, and, seeming to dive between them, we found him, when we followed, flat on his stomach, the lantern out, and he running like a dog up a winding path before him. He was leading us to the heights, I said; and when I remembered the great bare peaks and steeple-like rocks, upstanding black and gloomy under the starry sky, I began to believe that this wild man was right and that in the hills our safety lay.

      But of that we had yet to learn, and for all we knew to the contrary it might have been a trap.

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