Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent. John T. McIntyre
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Название: Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent

Автор: John T. McIntyre

Издательство: Bookwire

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 4064066392031


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       John T. McIntyre

      Ashton-Kirk, Secret Agent

       Illustrator: Ralph L. Boyer

      e-artnow, 2020

       Contact: [email protected]

      EAN: 4064066392031

      Table of Contents

       Chapter I. Some Peculiar Circumstances

       Chapter II. Ashton-Kirk Goes to Eastbury

       Chapter III. An International Affair

       Chapter IV. The Taking Off of Dr. Morse

       Chapter V. The Hound Strikes the Trail

       Chapter VI. The Visit of Okiu

       Chapter VII. The Methylene Stain

       Chapter VIII. The House on Fordham Road

       Chapter IX. Okiu Once More

       Chapter X. Some Startling Intelligence

       Chapter XI. A Ray of Light

       Chapter XII. Karkowsky Gets Some Attention

       Chapter XIII. Old Nanon Speaks

       Chapter XIV. Okiu Writes a Letter

       Chapter XV. Almost

       Chapter XVI. In The Dark

       Chapter XVII. The Silhouettes

       Chapter XVIII. Gone!

       Chapter XIX. The Taxi-Cab

       Chapter XX. Fresh Developments

       Chapter XXI. The Man With the Decoration

       Chapter XXII. The German Embassy Ball

       Chapter XXIII. What Von Stunnenberg Thought

       Chapter XXIV. Surprised!

       Chapter XXV. Caught!

       Chapter XXVI. The Truth

       Chapter XXVII. Conclusion



       Table of Contents

      Fuller studied the heavy, decided signature at the bottom of the typed page; then he laid the letter upon the table.

      "One who judges character by handwriting,"said he, "would probably think the secretary a strong man."

      Ashton-Kirk took the stem of the long German pipe from between his lips.

      "From your tone,"said he, "you do not so consider him."

      Fuller was looking down at the letter.

      "With that looking me in the face, how can I? Here is a matter of tremendous importance—one of the most guarded secrets of the government is endangered. Yesterday, in what was undoubtedly a panic, he wired you, begging help. Then, almost immediately after, he weakens and writes, requesting you to do nothing."

      Thick clouds arose from the Coblentz; the smoker snuggled down into the big chair luxuriously.

      "And from these things,"said he, "you draw that he lacks force?"

      "Yes; he quit before even catching a glimpse of the end."

      There was a moment's silence, and then the secret agent spoke.

      "There are times,"remarked he, "when it is not altogether desirable to catch that glimpse."He blew out a veil of smoke and watched it idly for a moment. "It is possible, in pushing a thing to the end,"he added, "to force an entirely unexpected result. Take for example the case of the Molineux chaplet, some little time since. Could there have been more fire, more determination than that exhibited by old Colonel Molineux in this room when he brought the matter to our attention? And yet, when I showed him that his own daughter was the thief, he instantly subsided."

      Fuller regarded his employer with questioning eyes.

      "You think, then, that some one concerned in the government has been found out as——"

      But the other stopped him.

      "Sometimes,"said he, "we are even more anxious to spare an enemy than a friend. And the reason usually is that we do not care to force the said enemy into such a position that his only resource would be an open blow."

      "Ah!"Fuller's eyes widened. "They hesitate because they fear to bring about a war."He looked at the secret agent, the question in his СКАЧАТЬ