The Wayward Governess. Joanna Fulford
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Название: The Wayward Governess

Автор: Joanna Fulford

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература

Серия: Mills & Boon Historical

isbn: 9781408913901




      Praise for Joanna Fulford’s debut novel:


      ‘Fulford’s story of lust and love set in the Dark Ages is reminiscent of Woodiwiss’


      —RT Book Reviews

       Claire drew in a sharp breath.

      His flesh was fiery to the touch. Hastily she poured more cold water into the basin and rinsed the cloth again. Then she bathed his chest as far as the line of the bandage would permit, her gaze taking in each visible detail of the powerful torso. She had not thought a man’s body could be beautiful until now. Beautiful and disturbing too, for it engendered other thoughts.

      She had fled her uncle’s house to avoid being married to a lecherous old man, but what of being married to a younger one, a man like this? If her suitor had looked and behaved like Eden would she have fled? Would the thought of sharing his bed repel her?

      Shocked by the tenor of her thoughts, she tried to dismiss them. He was a stranger who had once come to her aid. She knew nothing more about him. Perhaps she never would.

      The thought was abruptly broken off by a hand closing round hers.

      Joanna Fulford is a compulsive scribbler, with a passion for literature and history, both of which she has studied to postgraduate level. Other countries and cultures have always exerted a fascination, and she has travelled widely, living and working abroad for many years. However, her roots are in England, and are now firmly established in the Peak District, where she lives with her husband, Brian. When not pressing a hot keyboard she likes to be out on the hills, either walking or on horseback. However, these days equestrian activity is confined to sedate hacking rather than riding at high speed towards solid obstacles.

      The Wayward Governess

      Joanna Fulford

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      MILLS & BOON

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       To Vee Leighton for her insight and encouragement throughout the writing of this book.

      Author Note

      The background for this book was suggested some time ago by a visit to Cromford Mill in Derbyshire: it presented a fascinating and often disturbing insight into England’s industrial past. On the one hand the mills represented progress, on the other privation and hardship for people made redundant by machines. As the Luddite element sought to protect their livelihoods, looms, mills and mill-owners came under attack. Draconian penalties were imposed by a government already made jittery by the years of revolution in France. At the same time large profits awaited those unscrupulous enough to use the resulting conflict for their own ends. This last became an important element of the story’s sub-plot.

      Unusually, the hero came to my mind first. Marcus Edenbridge is an unwilling protagonist who is haunted by the past, overtaken by events beyond his control, forced to take on a role he didn’t choose in a place he didn’t want to be, and caught up in a dangerous web of intrigue. No pressure, then. Just to keep him on his toes I introduced him to Claire, a disturbingly attractive heroine with a secret of her own.

       Chapter One

      ‘Gartside! Alight here for Gartside!’

      The guard’s voice roused Claire from her doze. Feeling startled and disorientated, she looked about her and realised that the coach had stopped. She had no recollection of the last ten miles of the journey to Yorkshire and had no idea what hour it might be. At a guess it was some time in the midafternoon. Her cramped limbs felt as though they had been travelling for ever, though in reality it was three days. For more reasons than one it would be a relief to escape from the lumbering vehicle. Further reflection was denied her as the door opened.

      ‘This is where you get down, miss.’

      She nodded and, under the curious eyes of the remaining passengers, retrieved her valise and descended onto the street in front of a small and lowly inn.

      ‘Can you tell me how far it is to Helmshaw?’ she asked. ‘And in which direction it lies?’

      The guard jerked his head toward the far end of the street. ‘Five miles. That way.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      After a grunted acknowledgement he closed the door of the coach and climbed back onto the box. Then the driver cracked his whip and the coach moved forwards. Watching it depart, Claire swallowed hard, for with it went every connection with her past life. Involuntarily her hand tightened round the handle of her bag. The latter contained all her worldly possessions, or all she had been able to carry when she left, apart from the last few shillings in her reticule. The rest of her small stock of money had been spent on the coach fare and the necessary board and lodging on her journey. Her last meal had been a frugal breakfast at dawn and she was hungry now, but the inn looked dingy and unprepossessing and she felt loath to enter it. Instead she hefted the valise and set off along the street in the direction the guard had indicated earlier.

      It soon became clear that Gartside was not much of a place, being essentially a long street with houses on either side, and a few small shops. As she walked she received curious stares from the passers-by but no one spoke. A few ragged children watched from an open doorway. A little way ahead a small group of men loitered outside a tavern. Uncomfortably aware of being a stranger Claire hurried on, wanting to be gone. She hoped that Helmshaw would prove more congenial, but a five-mile walk lay between her and it. Massing clouds threatened rain. Would it hold off until she reached her destination? And when she got there, what would be her welcome? She hadn’t set eyes on Ellen Greystoke in seven years, and nor had there been any correspondence between them apart from that one letter, written to her aunt’s dictation, not long after Claire had removed there. Seven years. Would her old governess remember her? Would she still be at the same address? What if Miss Greystoke had moved on? Claire shivered, unwilling to contemplate the possibility. She had nowhere else to go, no money and no immediate prospect of earning any. Moreover, there was always the chance that her uncle would discover where she had gone.

      For СКАЧАТЬ