Taming Hollywood's Ultimate Playboy. Amalie Berlin
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Название: Taming Hollywood's Ultimate Playboy

Автор: Amalie Berlin

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы


isbn: 9781474037457


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      Dear Reader,

      Liam and Grace are the first characters I’ve written about who haven’t come from the void of my own subconscious. They came to me as part of a massive outline the editors unleashed on a gaggle of us writers to give life to. So I didn’t make them, but I do believe I made them into the twisted little monkeys I do so love writing about.

      I dearly love an ‘older brother’s best friend’ storyline, and all the angst that comes along with it. But I also got to run with another favourite combo of mine: girl-next-door and super-unattainable and damaged hero. Or, as it actually is here, girl-next-door and junior high crush becomes high school first love, becomes subject of the most humiliating night of her life, becomes the celebrity crush whose image she can’t avoid, becomes… You get the picture.

      Hope you enjoy the ride—and if you like the glimpses of secondary characters who’ve made it into these pages check out their books in The Hollywood Hills Clinic series!

       Amalie Xo



      Twitter: @AmalieBerlin

      AMALIE BERLIN lives with her family and critters in Southern Ohio, and writes quirky and independent characters for Mills & Boon Medical Romance. She likes to buck expectations with unusual settings and situations, and believes humour can be used powerfully to illuminate truth—especially when juxtaposed against intense emotions. Love is stronger and more satisfying when your partner can make you laugh through times when you don’t have the luxury of tears.



      Ultimate Playboy

      Amalie Berlin


      To the awesome and lovely writers who populate the #1k1hr hashtag on Twitter. Without you this book would’ve never been done by deadline.

      And to the other awesome and lovely writers at the Harlequin Writers’ Circle forums. Without you guys I maybe wouldn’t have needed Twitter to make deadline. But I’ve never had so much fun or felt so helpful and productive while procrastinating

















      “NOW FOR THE hard part...” Liam Carter muttered, hauling himself out of the deeply comfortable chair in James Rothsberg’s office at The Hollywood Hills Clinic.

      “The hard part?” James asked, politely rising in tandem with him.

      Why had he said that? James didn’t need to know how shaky his plan was.

      “Walking,” Liam said, offering an explanation he knew James would believe.

      “I can get you a wheelchair and have you wheeled down to the treatment rooms...”

      “No.” He raised a hand, laughing a little. Limping and still upright, even with pain, trumped being wheeled around. “No, I can make it.”

      Liam hadn’t seen Grace in six years, and he’d damned well make her re-acquaintance on his feet. No matter how much it hurt.

      He tested his balance and found it before he found the appropriate expression to conceal the pain.

      James rounded his desk, hand outstretched to shake. “Don’t be surprised if Grace insists on crutches.”

      Even without his desire to save face with Grace, if anyone saw him in a wheelchair or on crutches, word would travel, and the people he spent ninety-five percent of his life making happy would begin to question his suitability for the project.

      Liam mustered a smile and shook the offered hand, then turned toward the door. “I’m sure we’ll work something out. Grace always was good at creative problem solving.” In their amicable past, the one that had ended for them that one night. The one he’d never have James know about, the land where nothing ever suddenly exploded. One terrible...and amazing night.

      There had been plenty of great years before hormones had become involved, but the punctuation on that sentence assured their first meeting in years would be anything but normal.

      For СКАЧАТЬ