Day Of Atonement. Alex Archer
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Название: Day Of Atonement

Автор: Alex Archer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Сказки


isbn: 9781474032018


СКАЧАТЬ d="u260803d3-c8bd-5365-a1e1-36385c206bdf">


       A reckoning that will destroy them all…

      Trials, persecutions, false accusations, the Inquisition—for archaeologist and TV host Annja Creed, the current episode they’re taping for her show is a fascinating one. But while Annja is filming the last segment in France, a vicious “accident” nearly kills her. It looks to be unintentional…until a man calling himself Cauchon claims responsibility.

      The name Cauchon strikes a chord in the exceptionally—some might say unnaturally—long memory of Annja’s friend and mentor Roux. Discovering the old man’s secret years ago, Cauchon wanted to blackmail Roux before fate put the matter to rest. Or so Roux thought. Now this powerful fanatic has turned from seeking out the divine to meting out “justice.” Vengeance. And he will single-handedly resurrect the violence of the Inquisition to ensure that Annja and her friend are judged and found guilty. With so much at stake, Annja may soon find that friendship can be fatal.

       The floor was cold and damp against her face.

      There was a familiar smell.

      “A crypt,” Annja said, without realizing she’d spoken the thought aloud.

      “Most perceptive.” It was a woman’s voice.

      The light began to move. The woman placed an oil-filled lantern on top of a great stone sarcophagus close to where Annja lay bound.

      “How long was I out?” Annja asked.

      “Four hours, nearly five. You must have the constitution of a horse. That dose should have put you out for much longer, unless he managed to screw that up, too.” The woman’s eyes flicked to a dark heap in the corner.

      “Is he dead?”

      She nodded. “I should hope so.” She made the shape of a gun with her fingers and thumb and mimed putting a bullet through his brain.

      Did she really value life so cheaply? “And me? Am I just another loose end to be put out of my misery?”

      “Oh, no, not at all. You’re far more important than that. I am sure my brother will tell you all about it.”


      “Enough with the questions. You’re almost as bad as your friend. The pretty one. Garin.”

      “I suppose you killed him, too.”

      “Of course not. He’s been most helpful.”

      Annja thought of everything Roux had told her about the midnight visit and the theft from the vault and muttered, “I’ll kill him.”

      “Not until we’re finished with him.”

      Day of Atonement

       Alex Archer




      The broadsword, plain and unadorned,

      gleamed in the firelight. He put the tip against

      the ground and his foot at the center of the blade.

      The broadsword shattered, fragments falling

      into the mud. The crowd surged forward,

      peasant and soldier, and snatched the shards

      from the trampled mud. The commander tossed

      the hilt deep into the crowd.

      Smoke almost obscured Joan, but she continued

      praying till the end, until finally the flames climbed

      her body and she sagged against the restraints.

      Joan of Arc died that fateful day in France,

      but her legend and sword are reborn...



       Back Cover Text


       Title Page




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