Who Wants To Live Forever?. Steve Wilson
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Название: Who Wants To Live Forever?

Автор: Steve Wilson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781472083982


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       Murder. History. Mayhem.

      Recently divorced, Ethan Hudson is looking for something to occupy his time and, encouraged by his daughter to get out more, he decides to sign up for a local evening history class. Hoping to meet new people, little does Ethan know that this course will change his life forever…

      This is no ordinary history class. Instead, Ethan and his classmates are introduced to a series of mysterious murder cases that occurred over the last century within the county. At first they seem unrelated, but soon Ethan’s inquisitive and suspicious mind, fed on crime novels and detective shows, begins to see a pattern connecting the murders. But how could a series of murders dating back to 1911 have anything to do with the present day? And can Ethan solve the mystery before it is too late?

       Who Wants to Live Forever?

      Steve Wilson


      STEVE WILSON says: I suppose in many ways I’m a late-starter as far as writing goes, waiting until I bought my first PC in 2000 before beginning a novel from an idea that I’d been mulling over for some ten years. That novel eventually became a trilogy, but my writing was sporadic during much of the noughties.

      Things began to gather pace once I became a member of a local writing group, where I found being amongst like-minded peers of great benefit, and in 2011 — after writing short stories for a couple of years — I registered for the National Novel Writing Month, with the aim of writing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. And that’s how “Who Wants To Live Forever?” came into being.

      The premise for this novel had been with me for half a dozen years, ever since I attained a Post Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing. Work commitments prevented me from completing the course to Masters level, but I had already started to map out my major writing project, around the topic of unsolved murders in Lancashire in the twentieth century, and those plans formed a basis of what eventually became the novel.

      When I’m writing, I spend a lot of time on the web as I enjoy researching the stories almost as much as writing them. I try and make the plotlines factually accurate, although I have to be careful and try not to let the story go off on a tangent as my research inevitably leads on to other non-related topics.

      As to the future, although I primarily write crime or mystery tales, I’d like to explore other genres, if only out of interest.

      This book is dedicated to my wife and children, who have had to carry on conversations around me while I have immersed myself in my writing. Also to my friends and colleagues at Fylde Brighter Writers, whose support and constructive criticism have helped me become a better writer, and to Victoria, Helen and Sue for their editorial assistance and advice, which I have found invaluable.




       Title Page

       Author Bio


      Prologue: Foreword — Thursday 14th September 2000

      Chapter One: Week 1 — Overview — Tuesday 20th September 2011

       Chapter Six: Week 4 — Rochdale — Shooting — Tuesday 11th October 2011

       Chapter Seven: Gail — Tuesday 11th October 2011

       Chapter Eight: Week 5 — Bolton — Drowning — Tuesday 18th October 2011

       Chapter Nine: Emma — Tuesday 25th October 2011

       Chapter Ten: Week 6 — Vickerstown — Plummeting — Tuesday 1st November 2011

       Chapter Eleven: Trish — Sunday 6th November 2011

       Chapter Twelve: Week 7 — Elswick — Hit and Run — Tuesday 8th November 2011

       Chapter Thirteen: Debbie — Sunday 13th November 2011

       Chapter Fourteen: Week 8 — Accrington — Stabbing — Tuesday 15th November 2011

       Chapter Fifteen: Louise — Monday 21st November 2011

       Chapter Sixteen: Week 9 — Heysham — Suffocation — Tuesday 22nd November 2011

       Chapter Seventeen: Week 10 — Darwen — Electrocution — Tuesday 29th November 2011

       Chapter Eighteen: Mrs Rhodes’ Diary — Thursday 1st December 2011

       Chapter Nineteen: Afterword — Summer 2022

       Epilogue: Quebec — Wednesday November 30th 2022





       Foreword — Thursday 14th September 2000

      Amber Davore looked down at the lifeless form splayed out on the bathroom floor. Just minutes earlier, that body had contained the hopes and dreams for the future of fifty-five-year-old Alan Ingleby; now, it was nothing more than an empty shell.

      Amber had known about his heart problems, and had used the knowledge to full advantage. Steam rose in equal measures from the near-overflowing bath and the hot mug of tea that Ingleby had placed on the floor seconds before his departure from СКАЧАТЬ