Force Lines. Don Pendleton
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Название: Force Lines

Автор: Don Pendleton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 9781474023924


СКАЧАТЬ ection>


      The tall shadow materialized right before his eyes

      It was as if the battle smoke had breathed the armed figure forth from the night. Braxton hesitated for a split second, as he found his stare riveted on the icy blue eyes framed in the black-streaked face. Eyes that seemed more like orbs of pure fire than anything human.

      But there was something about the man Braxton thought he recognized, or maybe it was the stare that burned back, telling him something about himself, as if the shadow had known him all along.

      And he was judged.

      The distance was twenty yards, nothing too great to overcome, but where he hesitated in bringing his assault rifle to bear, Mack Bolan’s M-16 was already shooting flame.

      Other titles available in this series:


      Stalk Line

      Omega Game

      Shock Tactic


      Precision Kill

      Jungle Law

      Dead Center

      Tooth and Claw

      Thermal Strike

      Day of the Vulture

      Flames of Wrath

      High Aggression

      Code of Bushido

      Terror Spin

      Judgment in Stone

      Rage for Justice

      Rebels and Hostiles

      Ultimate Game

      Blood Feud

      Renegade Force



      Cloud of Death

      Termination Point

      Hellfire Strike

      Code of Conflict


      Executive Action



      Storm Front

      War Season

      Evil Alliance

      Scorched Earth


      Destiny’s Hour

      Power of the Lance

      A Dying Evil

      Deep Treachery

      War Load

      Sworn Enemies

      Dark Truth


      Blood and Sand



      Strike and Retrieve

      Age of War

      Line of Control



      Pressure Point

      Silent Running

      Stolen Arrows

      Zero Option

      Predator Paradise

      Circle of Deception

      Devil’s Bargain

      False Front

      Lethal Tribute

      Season of Slaughter

      Point of Betrayal

      Ballistic Force


      Survival Reflex

      Path to War

      Blood Dynasty

      Ultimate Stakes

      State of Evil

      Force Lines

       Mack Bolan®

      Don Pendleton

      The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.

      —Andrew Jackson,


      It’s gotten so these days that it’s sometimes hard to tell the good guys from the bad. Honor, in some cases, seems to be a thing of the past, integrity just another word. But justice will not fade away, and shall prevail. Judgment is waiting. I consider it a duty.

      —Mack Bolan








