Just Want Somebody to Love. Keri Ford
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Название: Just Want Somebody to Love

Автор: Keri Ford

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: Bella Warren

isbn: 9781616507503



      Cover Copy

      Swept off her feet by a charming restaurateur, Whitney Chester envisions a delicious happily ever after—until her prince turns into a total toad. There’s no way she’ll agree to another date with Justin Rawlings, despite their unforgettable night together. But when Justin insists on helping out on her family-run farm in exchange for another chance, it’s an offer Whitney can’t refuse…if only to get revenge on her sweet-talking suitor.

      Justin needs a girlfriend to prove to his business partner that he isn’t all work and no play. Romancing Whitney should have been pure pleasure, if a work conflict hadn’t caused him to stand her up. Now he’s determined to win her back—and win his partner’s approval of their restaurant expansion. Keeping Whitney by his side until the deal closes should be easy—if he doesn’t do something foolish. Like fall in love with the small town beauty…

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      Books by Keri Ford

      The Bella Warren Series

      Just Want Somebody to Love

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Just Want Somebody to Love

      A Bella Warren Novel

      Keri Ford



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2015 by Keri Ford

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      First Electronic Edition: October 2015

      eISBN-13: 1978-1-61650-750-3

      eISBN-10: -61650-750-0

      First Print Edition: October 2015

      ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-751-0

      ISBN-10: 1-61650-751-9

      Printed in the United States of America


      Sasha Devlin. There are not words to describe how awesome you are. Your glittery self saved this book.

      Melissa Spears and December Gephart. Thanks y’all for the quick read and feedback!

      Chapter 1

      Saturday poker with her friends usually led to a fun night. Instead, Whitney Chester kissed her Peeps goodbye and folded her twos. In candy poker against her two sugar-holic best friends, these marshmallow babies equaled hundred dollar chips. She hadn’t meant to play them at all, let alone on a pair of twos, but, ugh. Cursed daydreaming.

      She was ready to go and get out of this house. Time was ticking to grab a little air before she ended up trapped between a dirt row and her computer. “Let’s get out of here.”

      Kara glanced from behind her drink. “To where?”

      “Don’t know. Don’t care.” Anywhere. Go shopping. Take a walk. Move and dance. Something. Whitney stopped as an idea formed. “I do care. Let’s go to Bartender Brandon’s.”

      “Ohh.” Tasha pumped her brows. “Now you’re talking.”

      Ha. If Tasha thought Whitney wanted to flirt with the bartender, then that would just get them there faster. “Does that mean you’ll get your shoes on?”

      “As soon as I pee.” Tasha was gone from the kitchen faster than any pregnant woman should be able to move.

      Kara, her other best friend, didn’t move quite so fast. Instead, she sat back in her seat and looked to be settling in. “You shouldn’t tease her like that.”

      “She’ll get over it.” Fair was fair. Tasha wanted to tease her over Brandon. Whitney ought to have the chance to return the favor. Chance taken.

      “What’s at the bar you want to see? Because I know it’s not Brandon like Tasha’s thinking.”

      “I don’t know. Nothing in particular. I’m just…” She shrugged, empty for words, and flopped her arms on the counter. “I don’t know. I just want to get out of here.”

      Planting season at Chester Farms also meant planting season at all their commercial farms. They all came with a steady inflow of paperwork for fuel usage, seeds, irrigation control, and a host of equipment reported broken. Freedom to stay up late watching TV with a bowl of popcorn or going out with her friends was coming to a quick end. “Planting season will be here in a few weeks, and then we’re going to be stuck here. This year it seems worse.”

      Kara chuckled. “Has planting changed much from how it used to be?”

      “I forgot you moved back home after we planted last year.”

      “I arrived just in time for harvest.”

      Kara had come home, started her canning business with Chester Farms’ crops, and fell in love with Whitney’s older brother all in the same summer. Which worked out well for Whitney, since she got her best friend back. “Everything’s the same.”

      “You don’t sound like it’s the same.” She shook the СКАЧАТЬ