Puppy Love. Kelly Moran
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Название: Puppy Love

Автор: Kelly Moran

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Короткие любовные романы

Серия: A Redwood Ridge Romance

isbn: 9781516102730



      Cover Copy

      After a passionless marriage under the scrutiny of high society, Avery Stowe is taking back her life. All she wants is a little privacy and a quiet place to raise her autistic daughter, Hailey. Redwood Ridge, Oregon, seems to offer all the right ingredients. Except for the problem of the local sexy veterinarian. The last thing she needs in her life is to fall for his irresistible allure, even if he is a nice guy who keeps doing her favors. But the well-meaning patrons of her new hometown have other ideas, and it appears playing Cupid is one of them.

      Cade O’Grady has never met a woman he couldn't handle, but when Avery Stowe walks into his office late one night cradling an injured puppy, he’s struck stupid. Which might explain her total lack of interest in him. But now that she’s working for his family’s clinic, he doesn't have to lust from a distance. He might just have a chance at convincing Avery—and her too-guarded heart—that falling for the right man isn't a mistake . . .

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      Books by Kelly Moran

      Redwood Ridge

      Puppy Love

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Puppy Love

      Redwood Ridge

      Kelly Moran



      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2016 by Kelly Moran

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      First Electronic Edition: February 2017

      eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0273-0

      eISBN-10: 1-5161-0273-8

      First Print Edition: February 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0276-1

      ISBN-10: 1-5161-0276-2

      Printed in the United States of America


      This book is whole-heartedly dedicated to my writing group, The Floozies. Vonnie, Alison, Angel, Auria, Sarah, Dixie, AJ, Mac, Amy & Arial...I couldn't do this without you.

      A very special note to my nephew Connor, who lives with Autism and teaches me strength, humor and resolve continually.


      A big thank you to the team at Brentwood Animal Hospital, especially Lynn, who made sure I got the veterinarian thing down right. Any errors are my own. And a gracious thanks to my street team member, Raquel, for answering aviary questions and sharing stories.

      Chapter 1

      Avery Stowe squinted and leaned closer to the steering wheel, trying to see past the fat white snowflakes blanketing a dark, quiet Redwood Ridge. They sure didn't make storms like this in San Francisco. She supposed her mom's insight on trading in her Camry for a SUV before the move had been the right call. Her sedan never would've gotten them through an Oregon winter. Even her flighty mother had to be right once and awhile. Once, being the operative word.

      Grateful to almost be at their destination after two days of travel, Avery chanced a peek at Hailey in the backseat and breathed a sigh. Assured her daughter was still asleep in her booster, she directed her attention to the road.

      Four inches had already fallen since they hit the state border. It was insane. Pretty, but insane. Having never been outside of warm, sunny California, this was a culture shock. But…new year, new start. Both she and Hailey needed this.

      Even if the new town did look like Silent Hill. She checked for creepy zombie things, but found none.

      The sidewalks had been rolled up for the night, the only illumination coming from the old world lampposts lining the two-lane cobblestone street. Avery thought her mom had fallen out of the crazy tree—and hit every branch on the way down—when she moved here ten years ago after inheriting a string of cabins from an aunt they never knew existed. Her mom had been happy, though, and figured Avery and Hailey would be, too.

      It sure seemed ideal on paper. “Not Silent Hill, not Silent Hill.” Seriously. Where was everybody?

      Pocketed between the coast and the foothills of the Klamath Mountains, Redwood Ridge was both a tourist hotspot and a charming small town of fifteen hundred residents. It had to have merit if it was able to hold her mother's attention this long. Row after row of small, independent shops lined both sides of the street. It was like stepping back in time to simpler, sweeter days. If only it had people.

      Ten minutes later, the snow was dwindling and they were on a private road cocooned by cypress, pine, and redwood. It was pretty freakin' amazing, but she'd have to appreciate it more later. In daylight. Right now it looked like the set for Friday the 13th.

      Maybe she should stop watching horror movies altogether.

      They passed a few larger homes still decorated for Christmas and, five miles down, made the turnoff to the СКАЧАТЬ