The Realms of Faerie. Linda Massola
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Название: The Realms of Faerie

Автор: Linda Massola

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Детская фантастика


isbn: 9781922309266


СКАЧАТЬ Drabon and the goblins.’

      ‘No, this must not happen!’ Tatiana sprung into action. ‘They will be decimated. There will be no winners. The Fairy Chronicles states that we are to find peace, not war. We need to do something – quickly!’ She motioned for the fairy children to form a circle and hold hands.

      ‘We must send out a humming which can reverberate through the forest to the foot of the caves.’

      As the humming began, she told them softly, ‘we have to send thought waves to the gnomes. Why do they need the gold? Why do they need to die fighting for gold? Now send your thoughts to the goblins. Tell them that the gold is not worth dying for and that Drabon and Putrida are using them!’ The humming began softly then it intensified. On their way up the mountain, the gnomes stopped in their tracks.

      ‘What’s that noise?’ Zebulon wanted to know. Then the humming became unbearable, causing the gnomes to lay down their weapons and hold their hands over their ears. As they did so, voices began in their ears.

       Why do you want the gold?

      ‘We need it!’ shouted Zebulon.

       Gold won’t bring back your dead children. You have so much, why do you want the gold?’

      ‘We need to avenge our children’s deaths,’ the gnomes shouted above the humming and voices in their ears.

       Gold won’t bring them back. Neither will killing the goblins. You have all you will ever need. Go home to your families!

      The gnomes looked at each other. Then they turned towards Zebulon their leader for direction.

      You can create peace, Zebulon. You are a great leader. Go home to your wife and child! Zebulon let his hands fall from his ears.

      ‘Go home. Go home and rebuild your lives,’ he told his people. ‘We don’t need gold; we have everything we need!’

      As the gnomes turned and walked away from the caves, Drabon and Putrida were also fighting the humming noise in their heads.

       Go back. Leave the gnomes. Begin a new era of peace!

      ‘No!’ screeched Putrida.

      ‘No!’ Drabon echoed in anger, calling to Losing-it and Lost-it who seemed to be hesitating.

       Drabon is using you. You don’t need him. You are the keepers of the gold. The gnomes don’t want it!

      By this time, the humming was becoming unbearable for Losing-it and Lost-it too. Drabon and Putrida’s screeching didn’t help. The only ones who didn’t seem to be affected were the Hatchlings who were surveying the others, oddly.

      You don’t need Drabon and Putrida! The voices were insisting. Think for yourselves! Then Losing-it and Lost-it did a very strange thing. They sent out a whistling vibration which summoned all the remaining A to Z goblins alerting them that somehow Drabon and Putrida were the cause of the painful humming in their ears. Slowly the goblins began to advance and surround them.

      ‘Quick - to the sky!’ Drabon screeched to Putrida. Frantically flapping their wings, they headed out of the caves and soared into the night sky towards the forest of Gloomia. As they did so, they passed Zebulon and the gnomes retreating to the Village of Toadstools. The humming noise faded as Losing-it and Lost-it, together with the goblins watched Drabon and Putrida in flight. The Hatchlings quickly surrounded them, looking deep into the eyes of Losing-it and Lost-it. The anger and fear disappeared from their eyes and they stood in dazed confusion not understanding what had happened to them.

      ‘They have been altered; their minds have been altered!’ the Hatchlings said among themselves. When Lori and the other wives saw their husbands coming down the mountain, they could hardly believe their eyes.

      ‘We don’t need gold; we have everything we need!’ Zebulon said.

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