Supernova. Caleb Purnell
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Название: Supernova

Автор: Caleb Purnell

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Учебная литература


isbn: 9781499900927


СКАЧАТЬ ection>


      I wish to dedicate this book to my mom, for always being there for me. She's the best librarian in the world, the most terrific teacher in the Universe, and the most marvelous mom in the Milky Way! She is amazing!

      I also dedicate this book to the rest of my family members -- my dad, and my brothers, Joshua and Timothy, -- for giving me helpful information, and for all of their encouragements.


      I wish to thank Calvin Christian School, Principal Randy Moes, and Anthony Bolkema, for showing me the program called NANOWRIMO and for beginning my journey of writing.

      I wish to thank my classmates Hannah and Frances, for giving me compliments about my ideas.

      I wish to thank my Granddad and Nana, for their support in getting my book published.

      Lastly, but DEFINITELY not least, I wish to thank God, for EVERYTHING!

      Lions and Tigers and Trolls?



      High school is by far the worst in the world. In fact, if someone has not experienced high school yet, I pray that they never have a giant troll running through their halls. Oh wait, I may have gotten ahead of myself. Man, I wish I could go back to earlier in the day, when all I had to worry about was my boring high school classes.

      Most people probably think it’s an amazing thing that I am enrolled in honors classes. Well, it isn’t. In fact, it is actually a bit of an exaggeration to even say I’m in honors classes. I like to think of it as the classes are honored to have me. Like that time the ladies were honored when I accidentally created a unique chemical reaction in the science lab. It made fluffy, pink marshmallow shaped clouds that floated all over the room. Unfortunately, they were a little poisonous and the teacher, Mr. Williamson, wasn’t a big fan of pink. Yep, those were the good times.

      I guess science can be cool sometimes, but there are some subjects that I want wiped off the face of the earth. For me, that subject… is… Ancient Civilization. Well, actually it's more than just Ancient Civ. It’s also Math… and Computers… and Grammar… and… any class with a boring or mean teacher… or a teacher that gives homework… or… well, let’s just say I don’t like very many teachers, either.

      As I walk into the cafeteria, I realize that lunch is the only thing that doesn’t bore me to death. It is always interesting, because people can fight, do splits or dislocate arms any time they want, all while the other students get to watch and enjoy a good meal. I look around and spot a senior with a bloody, broken nose. Looks like the action has already started today! The crowd is cheering at the top of their lungs, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” I didn’t exactly know what was going on, but I still began to cheer “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” right along with them. I took a seat next to my old buddy Jeremy (aka the school genius).

      “What’s going on?” I asked him. He is so deeply engrossed in checking the saturated fat content on his milk bottle that I thought he hadn’t heard me.

      “Bruce was upset at Leah for making him stumble – in other words, trip and fall – so he insulted the odor of her breath. I’m assuming Leah reached her maximum tolerance, because she yelled and they started flying at each other in rage and hatred.” Jeremy never even looked up from his milk. I can’t believe he is only 10 and is already a freshman in high school like me. He is so smart, he could already be in college, but his parents wouldn’t let him skip high school.

      “Hey guys!” said a voice. It was Leah. She pronounces it LAY-uh. Ugh… Why did she have to be so beautiful? No, I don’t like her. Although she is just a freshman and just finished beating up a big senior football player, she wasn’t even sweating. She was a born fighter. The senior on the other hand, wasn’t in such good shape. Bloody nose, swollen eye, and I think his leg was twisted the wrong way. Ouch… Yep. I love lunch.

      “Leah, how- What- Ugh. Forget it.” I said.

      “What,” she began, “he gets on my nerves okay!? It’s not like I can ignore him. He was asking for it anyway.”

      “Leah, nobody deserves that, not even Bruce.” She glared at me. “Okay maybe Bruce.” I said, giving in to Leah’s stare.

      “Hmm. I thought so.” With a triumphant grunt, she left the table.

      “Your heart is pounding up against your chest wildly, and your language was grammatically incorrect. You love her.” Announced Jeremy.

      “You think?” I asked.

      “No, I’m very positive that I’m correct. Am I not?”

      “You’re too young for love stories, so why are you trying to get in mine?”


      “Please,” I stopped him, “No more big words. I have grammar after lunch.” With that, I got up, and headed toward my class, only to be stopped by Melanie. She’s from Canada so I put her on my weird people list (actually, it’s been a long time since I checked my weird people list).

      “Hi Warren!” she said with a smile. ”You studied for our grammar test, eh?” She asked me.

      “Excuse me, what did you say?”

      Melanie rolled her eyes, “I said, ‘You studied for our grammar test, eh?’”

       “GRAMMAR TEST?”

      “That’s what I said, eh?”

      “Mrs. Burmid said that the test is Thursday, but I still haven’t studied for it yet!”

      “Warren, that’s what Mr. Verter said for our science test, and today is Thursday. Mrs. Burmid even gave us an extra day to study.”

      “Well, Melanie, she made you our group leader. Why didn’t you text me?”

      “I didn’t text you because you said that you were grounded and couldn’t use your phone.”


      At the time, I felt guilty about telling my parents that I didn’t have any homework or any tests that I had to study for. I already had two late homework assignments in math, three in art, and one in music lab. Now I’m about to add a failed quiz to that list. Fortunately for me, there was no Grammar test. Remember that giant troll from earlier? Well, I suppose he doesn’t like correct English either. Oh well, I guess we’ll never know!

      Enough Talk, Let's Fight



      Hey, it’s not my problem. He was asking for it anyway. Bruce just needs to learn how to keep his BIG, STUPID, NO GOOD, DIRTY BODY AWAY FROM ME!!! Okay, now that I got that out of my system… I’m going to return to my happy, carefree self. Man, I hope that Melanie is alright (and Warren too). It seems like her grammar class is creating a lot СКАЧАТЬ